Powerbelt Shooters- A must read!
4/2/09 12:21am
This tip insert is perfect for the shooter who likes to buy Powerbelts in the bulk 50 pack. This tip allows the use of a heavier charge and helps control over expansion/fragmentation.
Sample packs are Free of charge! I want to have these field testing and there for you will get between 25 to 50 of these at no cost. All i ask is for a field report and pictures if possible.
These inserts weigh 13 grains to 13.8 grains.
If any of you Powerbelt shooters are interested, just send me a PM with your name and mailing address so i can get them off to you. Keep in mind that these are for the .50cal Copper series ONLY. I am in the process of making the molds for the other calibers.
The 295gr Powerbelt With this tip installed weighs 308 grains. This bullet when shot with 100gr pyrodex RS is averaging a 3 grain weight loss when firing into damp sand at distances ranging from 20 yards to 100 yards.
Please be informed that if you use such inserts or any hollowpoint inserts in Powerbelts you do so at your own risk and responsibilty, and I assume no liability or responsibility should injury or death occur in their use.

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm53/thepowerbeltforum/Custom%20Tips/PowerbeltInsert001.jpg " alt="" />

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm53/thepowerbeltforum/Custom%20Tips/CT-1.jpg " alt="" />

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm53/thepowerbeltforum/Custom%20Tips/CT-2.jpg " alt="" />
Install the sprue cut side of the insert so its facing the outside of the bullet. The pointy end goes down into the hollow point. Simply get a thread or two into the bullet cavity and press the tip onto a hard surface ( Wood/phonebook work great) See Movie below

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm53/thepowerbeltforum/Custom%20Tips/CT-3.jpg " alt="" />

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm53/thepowerbeltforum/Custom%20Tips/CT-4.jpg " alt="" />

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm53/thepowerbeltforum/Custom%20Tips/CT-5.jpg " alt="" />
Installing the Tip Movie:
More info available free to the public at:http://thepowerbeltforum.powerguild.net/custom-tip-powerbelt-f23/
These inserts weigh 13 grains to 13.8 grains.
If any of you Powerbelt shooters are interested, just send me a PM with your name and mailing address so i can get them off to you. Keep in mind that these are for the .50cal Copper series ONLY. I am in the process of making the molds for the other calibers.
The 295gr Powerbelt With this tip installed weighs 308 grains. This bullet when shot with 100gr pyrodex RS is averaging a 3 grain weight loss when firing into damp sand at distances ranging from 20 yards to 100 yards.
Please be informed that if you use such inserts or any hollowpoint inserts in Powerbelts you do so at your own risk and responsibilty, and I assume no liability or responsibility should injury or death occur in their use.

Install the sprue cut side of the insert so its facing the outside of the bullet. The pointy end goes down into the hollow point. Simply get a thread or two into the bullet cavity and press the tip onto a hard surface ( Wood/phonebook work great) See Movie below

Installing the Tip Movie:
More info available free to the public at:
Just curious. Thanks
I have the material to make the .45 mold but will need time to build it.
Heres a 348gr Powerbelt with the plug installed. 362gr total, 100gr Pyrodex RS @ 100 yards into sloppy sand.
Heres a 295gr Powerbelt with the plug @ 100 yards, 100gr RS into dry sand. You can see the filler plug installed and doing its job.
Most of the time they look like this with the dry sand,
When you hit something wet or the sand is a fine powder like powdered sugar, they look like the bullet on the left. This IMO is what they will look like when they hit deer, (bullet on the right hit course dry sand)
245gr Powerbelt (257 grains total with tip installed) 100gr RS @ 100 yards into dry sand.
Forgive my ignorance or dumb questions but using a heavier charge without the tip, simple causes more fragmentation correct?
If this works so well, why would not Powerbelt have simply done/included this themselves?
Seems pretty simple though and useful.
Exactly, They came out with the Platinum series to help this, but the Platinum cant do the things that this Insert does! It makes you want to beat your head against the wall because its such a simple fix. Even the main guy at powerbelt that ive talked to, agreed with me that the Flatpoint powerbelt would be a lot better than the Hollow point/ Aerotip. Todays bullets all have that silly plastic tip and big fancy words like ( Offers extreme bullet expansion) And they are worried that if they only offered them in the flatpoint,they wouldnt sell. The only flat point they offer is the monster 444gr powerbelt. I wanted something in the 250-350gr Flatpoint range but they wont make them.
Maybe after some time they will change their minds.
And yes, using more powder with the factory HP or aerotip will result in fragmentation. In fact, the 245-295 and 348's had a max charge of 80gr Equal to Pyrodex RS. Its pretty sad to be honest with you.
If you're shooting 120+ yards with 100gr powder and using the 245+ you'd be ok but you'll see most people complaining about short distance shots and the bullets blowing up.