
So i was wondering how everyone practices for the upcoming seasons, how long do you practice? how often? when do you switch from field tips to broadheads? things like that.....

Here is kind of a run down of what i do.

I have a field across the street from my house where i have 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 yds. staked out, i have taken a shovel out and evened the ground in those spots and made a small dirt back stop behind my target mostly just to stop it from spinning. ANY day where the weather is fairly nice and im not overloaded with stuff to do i will head out. I take a 5 gallon bucket full of water and water a small tree i have next to my 40 yd spot hoping to keep it alive for a while, then my black hole target, and my bow and arrows. I start at the 30 yd line and shoot 3 arrows then go back to 40 and shoot 2then go back to 50 and shoot my last 2. I go and gather my arrows then start at the 40 and shoot 3 bo back to the 50 and shoot 2 etc. after shooting all distances i then start to just try random shots. quartering away at distances, kneeling on one knee, shooting at prarie dogs, kneeling on both knees, standing on my tippy toes, shooting through/under/or crouched by my tree. If i feel im getting tired and my form is going to the dogs i stop and call it a day.

Can i say its made me a better shooter?? well id like to hope so and i think these pictures might agree with me Ya i finally robin hooded my first arrow!!!!!!

it was 40 yds. quartering away shot, kneeling behind my tree, to bad i split my FMJ with my carbon express "junk" arrow.......
Sounds like you're pretty much doing what I do. I started practicing about a month ago but its been off and on with this crazy Utah weather! But during June and July I like to get out and shoot at least every other day. Same thing though, just try to get as much variety in your shots and try to make it as real as possible. I know a lot of people who just practicing shooting dead on with the target and standing up but 99% of the time, that's not the shot you get out in the field. Behind my house I have a 50 yd range set up. So I can practice up to that range there and if need to do any farther shooting I just take my targets along when we go camping in the summer. But for the most part I like to keep the distance between me and the deer under 50 yds. But I would defintely practice different stances. Last year I ended up shooting my deer from the kneeling postion from behind a sagebrush after having crawled for about 50 yds. Glad I practiced that shot. Also I have read a lot of articles on improving your shooting and one of the biggest things they emphasized was doing mock hunts. So practice stalking in as if you would on a real hunt because pulling your bow up into shooting position after crawling can be tricky to do quietly if you haven't practiced that. They also said to shoot in the stuff that you will be wearing since some clothes are tighter and looser and will affect the way your shot feels. Also if you use a pack and have binos on a chest harness, shoot with all that on. It makes a world of a difference! Best of luck during the "warm up" period and hopefully all your hard work will pay off! By the way, sweet Robin Hood arrow!
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I've been shooting all winter long. There is an outdoor range not to far from the house and when the weather wasnt good then i will shoot in my house. from one end to another I can get in 30yrd shots.
You shoot inside your house?! You must have a big freakin room if you can shoot 30 yds! I know my wife wouldn't be too happy if I end up doing that in our house! lol
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Yea my wifes pretty cool. She also shoots. We have a split level home so i set my target up in the garage and shoot from the bonus room downstairs so i shoot from one end to the other. some times just to work on form I will sit on the sofa and shoot into the dinning room its only 25 feet but its good for working on drawing and releasing.
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Good shooting guys. It's good to shoot year round if you can. Put up something where you have to shoot through some bushes and clear them too.
It's been terribly windy here but I had to make a short video of an 80 yard group for a little internet competition. You'll notice there's no one at the range when it's windy becuase it's hard to feel like a hero shooting in the wind but you really need to develop some skill at it especially if you go to a spot like Wyoming. I wanted a 4 inch group but had to cheat and actually had the nerve to pull one arrow out of 5 right on camera to get it. lol We had just shot the field course and decided to give it a try. Enjoy my misery. I went to church and prayed hard today. :thumb
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"numbnutz" wrote:I've been shooting all winter long. There is an outdoor range not to far from the house and when the weather wasnt good then i will shoot in my house. from one end to another I can get in 30yrd shots.

Where is the outdoor range you are shooting at? I live over in Camas and am thinking about joining Chinook Archers. They have a outdoor 3D set up in the woods with a bunch of different targets along a trail system and a 24 hr indoor range.
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Set the target up at 5- 10 yards downstairs while watching tv on a sunday night. Obviously the distance aint a factor but its the reputition of gettin them anchor points set that this helps out.
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"elkslayr" wrote:
numbnutz wrote:I've been shooting all winter long. There is an outdoor range not to far from the house and when the weather wasnt good then i will shoot in my house. from one end to another I can get in 30yrd shots.

Where is the outdoor range you are shooting at? I live over in Camas and am thinking about joining Chinook Archers. They have a outdoor 3D set up in the woods with a bunch of different targets along a trail system and a 24 hr indoor range.

I just go to blue lake park, they have an archery range set up there. During the spring and summer i will go to the woods and set up my 3-d targets and shoot. Where is the chinook archers at? I would like to find a nice indoor range.
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"Sniper1" wrote:Set the target up at 5- 10 yards downstairs while watching tv on a sunday night. Obviously the distance aint a factor but its the reputition of gettin them anchor points set that this helps out.

I'm with ya. thats what i do in my living room. its kinda fun. its funny cause my wife will be sitting next to me and knows the shot is coming but when i release she still jumps.
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Been practicing missing more than hitting lately cause myfour year old grandduaghter shoots her bow (plastsic) with me when I shoot in the backyard. It's ok to miss sometimes.
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We shoot in the house sometimes. It's 11 yards down the hallway. The wife doesn't do it anymore since she was having trouble with target panic and bounced one into the bathroom and broke a tile in the shower. Ooops. lol
Springville Shooter
I quit practicing in the house because I can't get the darned powder burns out of the carpet. JUST KIDDING. But you guys bring back memories of when I used to bowhunt for blacktails and blackbears in Cali. I too shot down the hall and had 12yds. I bet one day I will go through a bow phase again, but only time for guns and fishing right now. Might have to kill an antelope with a bow next for fun.-------SS
I start practicing in March-April and usually shoot 3-4 times per week. As far as broadheads I usually hold off on those until July. I shoot Grim Reapers and they shoot very close to my field points and so very little adjustment is needed.
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If your going to be a good shooter in the field you need to shoot only a couple arrows at a time. If you shoot a mess of arrows at a time you will never make your first arrow the best. I shoot 2-4 times a week during the spring with field tips. When July rolls around I put on my broadheads. I only shoot 2 times a week, 2 rounds at every range. By that time a year your bow shouldn't need any work done to it for the rest of the year. -If it breaks (time to find a better archery shop)-. In Auguest your shooting shouldn't need any adjustments or changes in your style. I only shoot once a week at this point of the year. You need to simulate hunting season. You don't get any practice in the morning before you hunt so why would practice like that. I also practice from 100 yards just to see you arrow flight. I wouldn't shoot from that far at a animal, but practice from long range makes you see things you cannot see at close ranges.