Prarie Bulls
2/10/07 5:29pm
2003,big snow storm rolls in 2 weeks into hunting season and we have to go move the cows off our summer pasture early and im pi ssed cuz i had a hunt planned,as we pull up to our first gate i look across the stuble field and i can make out 2 somthings bedded along the fence,at first looking through the falling snow i thought they were two monster MD bucks but they were these 2 bulls.This ranch sits out on the prarie without a stick of timber in sight and as far as i know these are the first elk ever even seen there since my great-great grandfather homesteaded it in the 1860,s.Me and Dad put a flanking sneak on em and they never got up.Used a logging chain to drag them over to the loading dock in the ranch yard and took em home,easiest elk i have ever seen." alt="" /> " alt="" />

thats the first time they have ever come down that far