Prayers needed.......
3/26/08 7:46pm
As many of you know, I'm a high school kid in NC and well I'd need some prayers from ya'll
Many times in our lives we take too many things for granted. We think oh nothing can happen to me nor the people I love. I've thought this way for a long time, then today God hit me wiht a brick. Today I came into 2nd period with a happy-go-lucky attitude because I love US History AP with Coach Starnes. We sit down once the bell rings and Coach comes up to the front of the class and says "well I'll get some business out of the way first". So we're all sitting there wondering what the heck is going on, the Coach says "many of ya'll know I had a biopsy done the other day and yesterday i had to go get my results" he then paused and with a slight tear in his eye said "Guys I have cancer, it started in my prostate and now has moved somewhere else" By this time we're all devasted to say the least. Guys ya'll just dont know how much respect and love I have for Coach, he's like a big brother to me. SO when he told us this it was hard for me not to shed a tear(right now i'm crying like a girl). He told us he was going to fight it, just like he has everything else God has thrown at him in his 60 some odd yrs of life. I guess what I'm ask'n is would ya'll PLEASE PLEASE pray for him. IF something were to happen to him, I dont know what i'd do.
Thanks and sorry for the long post
Travis Brown
Many times in our lives we take too many things for granted. We think oh nothing can happen to me nor the people I love. I've thought this way for a long time, then today God hit me wiht a brick. Today I came into 2nd period with a happy-go-lucky attitude because I love US History AP with Coach Starnes. We sit down once the bell rings and Coach comes up to the front of the class and says "well I'll get some business out of the way first". So we're all sitting there wondering what the heck is going on, the Coach says "many of ya'll know I had a biopsy done the other day and yesterday i had to go get my results" he then paused and with a slight tear in his eye said "Guys I have cancer, it started in my prostate and now has moved somewhere else" By this time we're all devasted to say the least. Guys ya'll just dont know how much respect and love I have for Coach, he's like a big brother to me. SO when he told us this it was hard for me not to shed a tear(right now i'm crying like a girl). He told us he was going to fight it, just like he has everything else God has thrown at him in his 60 some odd yrs of life. I guess what I'm ask'n is would ya'll PLEASE PLEASE pray for him. IF something were to happen to him, I dont know what i'd do.
Thanks and sorry for the long post
Travis Brown
Thanks for the news and my thoughts and prayers will remember your coach.
My soon to be wife lost her father to Cancer when she was only 16 and still in high school.
Cancer takes a lot of people from us way to early you tell your coach he has people praying for him.
My Son In law fought Leukemia two years ago. Had the Stem Cell Cord blood transplant. A new procedure. Lost 70 pounds [he weighed 170] He is almost back to his old self.
Thanks everyone for the kind words