Preference Points

It's been about 12 years since I have last applied for a hunt out of state. I really didn't even keep up with rules or changes for that period of time.

So now I'm itching to go again and it seems there are changes in most states as expected.

However, I'm most confused about the Preference Points. I see you can buy points in some states but how do you earn them? What do they get you? Is it no longer the luck of a draw, but who has the most points?

Sounds like a way to charge more money or even funnier it sort of reminds me of collecting Camel or Marlboro points and redeeming them for a big prize without the risk of lung cancer of course.

Please educate me, thanks in advance!
Is it no longer the luck of a draw, but who has the most points?
Basically yes that is it. At least here in Utah, the points don't really get you anything other than another "name in the hat" or "chance at the lotto".

So you have a better shot at drawing, since the odds are so poor.
The way it works here in Utah is. You have two choices you can buy the preferance point and not got hunting or you can apply for the hunt and if you don't draw then you are awarded a preferance point. If you draw a tag your first time you put in then you get the tag but not the points and if you have points and draw the next year you start from scratch again.

The way the draw works is that all tags go to the people with the most preferance points until all of those tags have been filled. Any remaining tags will be drawn on a luck of the draw basis.

So there is a chance that you can get a tag right from the get go but chance are that it might take a year or two.

Hope that this helps.
You both have helped thanks for the quick reply! So just to clarify, if you buy a point and don't get drawn, do you then get awarded a second point so next year you have two points. Or is the most you can get is 1 point a year no matter what you buy?

I'd also be interested in knowing how many points someone gained before finally getting drawn. In other words is it likely that someone could have 5 points and still not get drawn?

I pretty much can figure the answer is no to this next question but what the heck while we are on the subject....are points transferable? Can I buy points from another hunter or get the points a relative had gained but perhaps passed away?

Thanks, this site is great!
One point is all that you can get in a year.

Here is a link that shows the numbers on preferance points and how they were broke down this year.

To find the numbers for the dder preferance points scroll down to the bottom page and it will show you the numbers for resident and non resident. The one thing that this table doesn't show is a region by region break down. It only shows the number for the whole state lumped together.

There are two types of points also. There are preferance points which apply to the general season draw hunts. There are also bonus points which apply to the limited entry and once in a lifetime hunts.

Points are awarded by species (i.e. deer, elk, antelope) not by hunt numbers. So if you are putting in for deer and you don't draw then you have one point for that year. When you put in the next year as long as you put in for deer again then you can put in for any hunt that you want even if it's not the same hunt as the one that you put in for the year before. And you will have to twice the chance to draw that tag.
but you cant get them from another person even if they've passed on. if so i would try to buy my way into alot of wills!! :)
LOL. :))

If that was the case you would be seeing a bunch of people getting knocked off for their bonus points instead of for their sneakers.
" hey ma, dad fell down the stairs- i think he's not breathing!------------------- How many points did he leave me" :nono: :nono:
LOL. HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!