Preference Points

I am currently in school and dont have the time or the money to do a lot of hunting but was wondering about buying points in several different states over the next few years. Are there any states where you dont have to apply for a tag to buy a point? What will a point cost in most states? Can I buy multiple points? Is there a web site that compairs the different systems? Thanks
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You can buy a pref point in Wyoming, go to the website try looking in frequently asked questions. I think you apply for the pref point in aug or sept, and its 30 dollars if I remember correctly......Scott

Yeah just looked it up: Application "Form 30" is for pref point only and is available online June 15, application period is July 1-Sept 30 or you can call 307-777-4600.....
Great question, I'll be checking the thread to learn about how to accumulate points in other states, too.
For Utah, the application period is Feb. 1 thru March 10, 2011 for preference/bonus points. The cost is $10 for application fee, but you also have to have a valid Utah Hunting license ($65) or Combination license ($80) to fill out the application.
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What states do you not need pay for a licence to buy points? I know WY you dont and UT you do. What about AZ, CO, MT, WA, OR, NV. I know ID dosent do a points system and I have heard that NM dosent either.
Springville Shooter
To get a point, you must buy a license in California, Nevada, and Oregon. I know because I buy them every year. Hard to swallow sometimes but tht is the hunting world that we live in.------------SS
I am not sure if you can buy a point only for Colorado because I pay the full permit fee to draw every year and get all refunds except for about 30 for my point.
"skysthelimit" wrote:I am not sure if you can buy a point only for Colorado because I pay the full permit fee to draw every year and get all refunds except for about 30 for my point.
You can buy just a point, but you still need to submit the entire tag fee. After the draw you will get a refund of everything but the cost of the point.
"devinandmissy" wrote:Thanks,

What states do you not need pay for a licence to buy points? I know WY you dont and UT you do. What about AZ, CO, MT, WA, OR, NV. I know ID dosent do a points system and I have heard that NM dosent either.
For sure Arizona, Oregon, Utah, and Nevada. Like you said, Idaho doesn't have points but if you want to apply you need to buy a license. Wyoming you don't, but the cost of each point is very high. ($100 sheep, $75 moose, $50 elk, $40 deer, & $30 antelope.) As a nonresident of both Utah & Wyoming, if I wanted points for every species, Utah is cheaper. Even with having to buy a license.

It's hard to build points in any state without spending a few hundred dollars each year. The cheapest is probably Colorado, if you can temporarily part with the money.
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Wyoming would be $120 for deer, elk, and antelope. Utah would be $95. The difference is you could draw a good antelope tag in a year or two in WY. Elk and deer maybe 3-5 years or longer depending on the unit you want. Utah with all the changes recently like non-residents being able to apply for everything and the new changes to limited entry in the future you could wait 10-15 years. IMO if you don't already have some points in states like Arizona and Utah it can be very expensive to buy a license every year for such low draw odds unless you hunt some of their general tags anyway. If I had to choose I would pick WY and CO.
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Actually, I'd be suprised if you didn't draw an antelope tag every time. When I put in for deer I always get it on the second app, so that would mean with one point I get drawn for the area I want. Some areas have more applicants of course.

Keep in mind if you're intending to hunt a wilderness area you MUST have a guide....Scott
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I have drawn an antelope tag every year I applied but the unit is overcrowded and the animals are spooked. That's why a 1 or 2 point tag may be better. As far as deer goes, Region G is good for 1 point and unit 101 might take 10 years+. I have 5 points but have still been able to hunt with general tags. I know I can draw a good tag but I choose to apply for the top tags. After I burn these points I'll probably never apply for anything that requires more than a couple points.
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Here is another question. My son is 2, is there a state where I could buy points for him so that when he is old enough he can get a really good tag?
I am not aware of any state that will allow you to do that. Most require you are of hunting age and have passed a hunter's education course.