Preference Points
12/4/10 6:59pm
I am currently in school and dont have the time or the money to do a lot of hunting but was wondering about buying points in several different states over the next few years. Are there any states where you dont have to apply for a tag to buy a point? What will a point cost in most states? Can I buy multiple points? Is there a web site that compairs the different systems? Thanks
Yeah just looked it up: Application "Form 30" is for pref point only and is available online June 15, application period is July 1-Sept 30 or you can call 307-777-4600.....
For Utah, the application period is Feb. 1 thru March 10, 2011 for preference/bonus points. The cost is $10 for application fee, but you also have to have a valid Utah Hunting license ($65) or Combination license ($80) to fill out the application.
What states do you not need pay for a licence to buy points? I know WY you dont and UT you do. What about AZ, CO, MT, WA, OR, NV. I know ID dosent do a points system and I have heard that NM dosent either.
It's hard to build points in any state without spending a few hundred dollars each year. The cheapest is probably Colorado, if you can temporarily part with the money.
Keep in mind if you're intending to hunt a wilderness area you MUST have a guide....Scott