Pronghorn hunting hardness

Is it hard to hunt antelope??
Kind of an open ended question...

Where are you hunting and by what method (???)
Springville Shooter
Getting a tag is half the battle. Once you have a tag, killing an antelope is generally easy compared to hunting other animals. Trying to find an exceptional antelope is very hard.----SS
Springville Shooter is right on unless your in Wyoming than the tag thing is not an issue only finding a decent buck. try hunting with a decoy or in a blind next to water and you will do fine.
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I am wondering how hard AZ antelopes are
It's not hard. We didn't use any water or decoys and did just fine. We found some sage brush where the loaps were coming over a ridge and hunkered down. Biggest one killed was an 11 1/2" buck. We had 10"ers running by plenty of times. Like the others said, though, finding a good buck is a little hard. Just like with any other species though, if you're not used to hunting them a medium sized buck can look like a big one.
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Is it true that you can easily overshoot antelope
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Do you use calls or super camo or what?
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i just like a gun and camo
Springville Shooter
I use a blow dart gun and poison from an exotic frog.----------SS
"Springville Shooter" wrote:I use a blow dart gun and poison from an exotic frog.----------SS
Very effective way to hunt them!!
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hardy hardy har har thanks for your sarcasam but i am serious
Snake River Marksman
When hunting antelope, a range finder is your best friend. It is difficult to judge range in the open country that antelope prefer. Especially if you're not used to looking at antelope and realizing how big or small their body size is. Once you have an accurate range, you need to know the drop of your particular load from your particular rifle. You can ONLY get that from actually going to the range and shooting it at paper targets at various ranges. Once you have that info, get off the bench and start shooting from kneeling and seated positions, with and without shooting sticks or a bipod. If you do these things, shooting an antelope is as easy as it gets.

One more thing. A 243 or a 25-06 is the most you want to use for antelope. Anything bigger and you're just soaking up recoil for no good reason. And that makes shooting just that much harder.
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thanks for that tip marksman
Springville Shooter
Antelope can be very predictable when certain features of terrain and barrieres funnel them through travel areas. Places where they cross a fence are great if you can find them. Narrow canyons can be good as well. Also, if they don't get a ton of pressure, they can be curious and have been known to stand and look at anything that isn't a human silouette. The most famous decoy is the white flag on a stick. Antelope can also be called. Google antelope calls and pick one up. I have one and it works great for getting semi-spooked antelope to stop in their tracks.They sound like a wheezing emphazima patient. Use terrain to get close for a shot. Antelope are at their best in wide open flat country. If you have any topography at all, you are at a huge advantage. If you don't want to use a blowdart gun with the poison from an exotic frog, then pick any light caliber rifle that you shoot well and practice out to 300 yards. 100 grain bullets work very well from any 243-257 caliber rifle. Big stuff works great to but is not necessary. Shooting sticks that get you above waist-deep sage can be a major help.------SS
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thanks to you too
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it is hard to draw
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i looked at daw odds
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"Springville Shooter" wrote:I use a blow dart gun and poison from an exotic frog.----------SS
"Curtisshootsdeer" wrote:i looked at daw odds
What state and what unit? We bought our Wyoming Antelope buck tags as leftover from the draw. I think there were around 180 leftover tags for the unit we went to. Either way, you'll have a blast hunting them.
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az nothings harder then there but i am resident