PSE X-force vs. Matthews Drenaline vs. Bowtech Guardian
10/9/07 5:17pm
I am in the market for a new bow and am considering the three mentioned above.
I'd like to get some opinions on which bow I should get. Obviously, I will shoot all three, but wanted to get some opions from people who have shot each of them.
I think I am leaning towards the PSE given all of the propaganda.
I'd like to get some opinions on which bow I should get. Obviously, I will shoot all three, but wanted to get some opions from people who have shot each of them.
I think I am leaning towards the PSE given all of the propaganda.
second. I LOVE MY DENALINE!!!!!!!!! it's awsome!! but the gardian is a very good bow to.
If you want my take on the bowtech I am not a huge fan of the center pivots such as the gaurdian or the upcoming general they look cool and are the new thing, although close i did not purchase one. I like the risers of the allegience and tribute better than again that is my personal preference. They are good bows, but a bit heavier. (but not as heavy as a HOYT)
I don't shoot any of the three that you mentioned, I have been shooting single cams for the last couple of years and love them. I own both, but Have lean toward the single cams.
You need to find what fits your style and preferences, that may be different from what everyone likes, but it will work for you.
I hope that made some sense for you.
Good Luck!
I have an old PSE "TAZMAN" single cam (Bohuntr probably knows of this bow as I purchased from Riverside Archery a few years back) and I like the way it shoots, but am looking to pick up some more speed from new technology.
Bohntr--I noticed you are shooting a Guardian. Have you chronographed your bow? If so, how fast is it shooting?
Also, remember to not confuse IBO with the Chronograph speed of a hunting arrow as well.
I have a buddy that is shooting one and his chronos at about 305 with an approx. 400 grain arrow and a 28'' draw length.