PSE X-force vs. Matthews Drenaline vs. Bowtech Guardian

I am in the market for a new bow and am considering the three mentioned above.

I'd like to get some opinions on which bow I should get. Obviously, I will shoot all three, but wanted to get some opions from people who have shot each of them.

I think I am leaning towards the PSE given all of the propaganda.
the bow shop that i go to carries all of them and the owner is a pro staff shooter for hoyt. he says the drenaline and the gardian are an even toss up. one a little better in noise the other a little faster, ones has less shock the other more forgiving, back and forth. but he does say that the X-force is a very unforgiving bow and that most shooters in a hunting situation will not be very accuate with it.
second. I LOVE MY DENALINE!!!!!!!!! it's awsome!! but the gardian is a very good bow to.
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thanks Killerbee.
I'd wait a few months and look at the new Bowtech General (new version of Guardian). AWESOME bow. If you can't wait that long, shoot both the Guardian and the Drenaline and choose between them. Both are exceptional bows. I personally didn't like the PSE......poor efficiency, noise, and hand shock.
Heads or Tails
i would have to agree with BOHNTR on that. The X-force has alot of what I call "hype" behind because it is advertised to be so fast. I have shot all 3 myself and would rate them starting with the gaurdian, I would hold the drenaline and x-force even IMO, neither one of them were as smooth as I would like. BOHUNTR has a good point, this time of year you just as well wait to see the 08's, and even if you don't like the 08 then you can usually find a good 07 for a good price because they are making room for the 08's on the shelves.

If you want my take on the bowtech I am not a huge fan of the center pivots such as the gaurdian or the upcoming general they look cool and are the new thing, although close i did not purchase one. I like the risers of the allegience and tribute better than again that is my personal preference. They are good bows, but a bit heavier. (but not as heavy as a HOYT)

I don't shoot any of the three that you mentioned, I have been shooting single cams for the last couple of years and love them. I own both, but Have lean toward the single cams.

You need to find what fits your style and preferences, that may be different from what everyone likes, but it will work for you.

I hope that made some sense for you.
Good Luck!
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thanks you guys for the input. my dad has a Bowtech Allegiance and loves it, but he keeps pointing me towards the PSE (from all the hype). My cousin has a Matthews Switchback and I have shot it and didn't particularly care for it.

I have an old PSE "TAZMAN" single cam (Bohuntr probably knows of this bow as I purchased from Riverside Archery a few years back) and I like the way it shoots, but am looking to pick up some more speed from new technology.

Bohntr--I noticed you are shooting a Guardian. Have you chronographed your bow? If so, how fast is it shooting?
Heads or Tails
Hunt Cali, the chronograph speed is going to be almost completely dependent on your personal set up as far as arrow weight, draw length, tips, etc...

Also, remember to not confuse IBO with the Chronograph speed of a hunting arrow as well.

I have a buddy that is shooting one and his chronos at about 305 with an approx. 400 grain arrow and a 28'' draw length.
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I realize that...I just wanted to get a feel for what kind of speeds people are achieving with these new bows and a hunting set up. I would be please to be able to shoot 305 fps with a hunting bow. I would be shooting it at about 65 lbs, 29" draw length and probably around a 420 grain arrow.
Heads or Tails
If I was to venture a guess i would say you would be around 280-290ish with that set up.
"Heads or Tails" wrote:If I was to venture a guess i would say you would be around 280-290ish with that set up.
that would be the same as i would guess, over 300 usually comes from 30+" draw length. and dont let a salesman say that you will get so many FPS out of your bow without them setting up your bow with the weight of arrow you will be shooting and test it first. my old bow they said i would get 300 fps easily. i even shot one that was just an inch over my draw and got 302, well after ordering that bow and setting it up for hunting it magicly dropped to 265 ](*,) . anyway speed isnt everything! with my new bow, matthews drenaline i shoot a 27" draw at 68 lbs ang get 275 fps
I only shoot 61 pounds nowadays (bottomed out) with an arrow weight of about 390-400 grains. It chrono'd at 268 fps.....which is PLENTY fast, IMO. heck, I can still remember when 205 fps was considered scorching. :)
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good point bohntr...268 fps at 61lbs is sizzling.