Public Access Antelope Hunting

I am looking for the best public land access areas for Speedgoat. My 10 year old and me are going to try a few states this '07 season. This will be Sarahs first big game season. I did pretty well with one in South Dakota and a bigger one in Colorado for the '06 season. I told her to pic the type of game she would like to hunt and she decided archery antelope. It really makes a father proud when my children enjoy the outdoors as much as I do. Anyways I would like to know everyones opinion on best states and areas/units to hunt Antelope with a bow. Thanks Jim
cant really help ya but i wanted to welcome you to the site
Wyoming is probably the best/easiest to get a tag. They also have large number of antelope.

Welcome to MuleyMadness
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Thanks guys. I already have an area in Wyoming and South Dakota to hunt. It's gonna be me and my daughter hopefully on a five state archery hunt. This will be her first big game season so Dad is gonna teach her to hunt hard. I usually hunt Pawnee grasslands in Colorado but I'm thinking of Commanche grasslands this year. Also we are looking towards New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, but we are unsure. Any help on good public access would help. I figure I will have to set her up over waterholes and am hoping that she will do well.
Thanks for any help.
Jim, Welcome to Muley Madness. In Co & WY the minimum age to hunt and carry her own bow is 12. NM & TX, I think there's no minimum if she has a hunters safety card. Colorado has a lot of over-the-counter bow tags for speed-goats. Any of the grasslands in Colorado would be a good choice. It looks like the antelope was hit pretty hard in the SE part of the state, with these big snow storms.
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Hiker- Thanks Sarah already has her hunters safety card. I was told by cdow that she would be able to hunt by having it. I've hunted Pawnee grasslands last three years and I'm two for three. This year is all about teaching her things hunters ed or Dad in the back yard can't prepare her for. Over the counter lope tags in CO, SD, and WY have always been easy to get I'm trying to find areas and availability elsewhere.
Thanks, Jim
Jim, You might want to give CDOW another call..303-297-1192 and ask them if she can hunt Big Game? The regs say on page 2 that you have to be 12 years of age and hold a hunter safety card before you can hunt Big Game in the state of Colorado. I believe Wyoming words it the same. In Colorado a youth who is under 12 years of age can hunt small game, once they have their hunter safety card. NM might be a good choice for you two. Their draw deadline is the first part of April.
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I'll give them a call again in the morning. I emailed that question into the cdow and they emailed me a response that I have saved saying that as long as she had been through hunters ed and was able to hunt with the minimum draw weight that she would be able to purchase a liscense as long as she was 10 years of age and by this season she will be 11 years of age.
Thanks, Jim
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AZ has some good public land areas.... 10 and over with a hunter saftey card... I know NM is good for speed goats, I just don't know about how much of it is public. Deadline for AZ is early February. to check out rules, regs, prices, and info on population concentrations.
Always good to see parents out there like you, hunting with their kids. Best of luck!!
My 12 year old daughter went on her first hunt this year......
We had a great time.

Jim, I called CDOW today and asked them and they confirmed that she needs to be a minimum of age 12 before she can hunt Big Game in the state of Colorado. AZ, NM & Texas might be a possibility. Have a great hunt with your daughter, wherever you choose to go.
Montana has good opportunities for Archery Antelope. And lots of walk in areas.
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Talked with CDOW today they have informed me that Sarah needs to be twelve and that once in a while emails are sent out with wrong info on. Needles to say they have asked for me to get rid of incorrect email and have sent a new one stating the error. Looks like your daughter had a great time. I love to see when kids go hunting and enjoy following in their parents footsteps.
Where would you say a good area would be for 'lopes in Montana with a high concentration. I would appreciate any info you could give us would be.
Where abouts in Arizona would you think? I've got a friend that I served with in the service who is letting us hunt families ranch in New Mexico. We are going to build some blinds near waterholes there.

I just want to say again that we appreciate all the info everyone on this site has given us.
Thanks again, Jim
Jim, If I were to archery hunt Antelope in MT I would look at that area West of the Mussel shell River and South of the Missouri and North of Hwy 200 to the Moccasin Mountains. Lots of Antelope, A hard draw for NR gun hunters. But no problem for NR archery.
cant help ya either but i hear they have a great # of lopen goats
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in S.D. she will have to be 12 or turn 12 by the end of the year.She will also have to take a archery course if she has never had an archery tag before this year. also tags are not over the counter anymore you will have to put in for a draw, but archery tags are gauranteed as there is no quota on nonresident archery tags.

this should help you some.
In Mt you have to be 12 and have passed a state run hunters ed course.
Jim Balash, What state did you decide on?