Public Land Bucks & Post Season Blues
12/14/09 8:47pm
As our MN & WI hunting seasons have all but come to a close with only a couple of weeks of bow season left...., the only thing left are the memories of another adventurous and wonderful year....We must thank the Good Lord above for our success.....I thought I would share some pictures of two of my sons and my Dad with some of our nicer bucks from this year while hunting MN & WI....included is a pic of my Wyoming mulie as long as I am posting pictures..
This is my third try at posting...I tried to get them all in one post...but I will try two this time and then do another post....bear with me...
Good luck to you guys lucky enough to still be hunting,
This is my third try at posting...I tried to get them all in one post...but I will try two this time and then do another post....bear with me...
Good luck to you guys lucky enough to still be hunting,
i will give it another whirl...
I to hated to see my Fall adventures end. Oh well, I was able to add some more wall ornaments. :thumb Nice wide Mulie you got, very good for public land or anywhere.When you get a chance tell us about the hunts.