public land whitetails

From what it seems alot of states that have whitetails is a majority private ground what states do you think has the most the most public ground to hunt whitetails
Without actually digging through piles of data and coming up with a solid answer, I will just say that I hunt whitetail in N ID every year and there is more than enough public land to make anyone happy. Let me put it this way, I NEVER have a shortage of choices when I head out in the morning to chase whitetail.
South Dakota has tons of public land with good numbers of deer.
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Texas braggs it has alot of public hunting land and it does, but if you go through the book and subtract the water and draw only look just where you can take whitetails it has sqawt. FL and Alabama are the two states in the union with the most whitetail land. If you hunt with all weapons ( bow,gun and smokepoll) you can hunt from mid oct to mid feb with very few closed days in between. Both states also allow you to take two deer per day every day you hunt. Bow seasons are either sex the rest are buck only. I hunt TX, Al,FL and GA for whitetail. Good luck where ever you end up.
Springville Shooter
Idaho hands down in the West. Thousands of acres of public land teeming with whitetails. Easy to find one.......nope. I hope to accomplish this feat in a couple of weeks myself. --------SS
I also hunt Norhtern Idaho and it does have alot of open public land fourishing with white tails. I usually dont head up there till around thanksgiving though to let them get rutty and hopefully this season will bring me some better luck than last time. It rained for 10 days straight the last time with the sun coming out the day we headed home. :thumb
Minnesota has millions of acres of prime WT State and National Forest country.
No limit on NR hunters. When we had 600 wolves it was still excellent hunting. Now that there are 4,000 wolves the whole areas deer management is for the wolves. :>/