pulling the line
8/17/06 10:59pm
I went and pulled my cams last week. Here are some of the buck pictures.
Nothing special but it at least gives me hope to see something on the hunt.

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0023.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0026.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0012.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0123.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0091.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0003.jpg " alt="" />
Nothing special but it at least gives me hope to see something on the hunt.

Bow-nut was the last one to use this computer for this forum, so it posted these in his name.
Thanks friend, I've ALWAYS enjoyed looking at your trail cam pics. Maybe you'll get lucky and arrow that 3x4 or whatever he is with his head sticking out.
Good luck! 4c 4c
Keep up the good work.
Or maybe more important tell me how to keep it from happening again. Thanks Treetop
By the looks of it maybe we should be down there for the opener. Thats more deer than I've seen on my cameras in a couple of years.
I'm not sure why some are smaller?? If you right click on the images or open them in a new window you can see that they are the same size.
Meaning, that is the size they are linking from Photobucket.
Are they bigger in your Photobucket account? If so then the issue should be fixable. What size are they when you download them from the camera?? Are they all the same or do you get small ones there also??
I pulled my camaras so I can take them to colorado next week. I did not have any pictures of bucks (they would all be white tail) last buck picture I have is in July.
I like to take my trail camera's with me hunting. I can hunt one spot and be watching other spots at the same time. When you have only one week to hunt, do everything you can to help the odds. I take my laptop and check the pictures on the spot.
the count down is under way.... :thumb
What part of colorado do you hunt? Are you after deer or elk? Or both?
A_Bow_Nut and my son and I had a fun hunt there above Durango two years ago.
God was having a good day when he made that part of the world. Treetop
I hunt just west of Montrose Colorado.
If we get drawn for Muley we hunt both (over the counter elk), In the past 6 years I have been drawn every time (so has my wife).
getting excited :tz
Colorado really seems to like having hunters come.
A few years back my wife and I took a trip through S.W. Colorado in the 3rd week of Sept. The leaves were on and the mountains were just stunning. And all the small town we came to had big signs up saying "WELCOME HUNTERS"
I know that it'd because of the $ that the hunters bring in from out of stsate and spread around the towns, but it still makes you feel good to be welcomed.
They even had a table set up in McDonalds and were selling hunting licenses there.
The attitude in Utah seems to be that if you hunt, fish or especially if you trap, "you are a criminal" We just haven't caught you yet.
I hope it's not that way in Missouri.
Good luck on your hunt. We want to see some pictures. Later treetop