puppy pics

Somewhere in this mass of black fur is my next pup. This litter hit the ground today at 5:00 AM. I'm second in line for a male. The owner of the stud dog gets first pick.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/pups.jpg" alt="" />

The owners of the sire and d a m are both friends of mine. I've had the pleasure of watching them both run FT's and HT's for the last 6 years. Both are awesome dogs.

Sire: FC AFC Inherit The River (Cutter). Cutter was the #2 dog in the nation on the Field Trial circuit in 2006 and was a finalist at the National Amateur that year.

Dam: Buckshot Cassidy SH. She should have her MH title but her owner is busy with 2 young kids and stopped running her for awhile. She'll be back in the game soon.

More pics to follow as soon as I get him home!
Two weeks to go...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/cutterpuppy.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/puppyat6weeks.jpg" alt="" />
you should quit posting pics of your new puppy----- makes me want another :thumb
Great looking Puppies. I like em when they turn two years old. My last puppy cost me close to 4K chewing everything....... ](*,)
Looking great so far!
one hunting fool
great looking puppy Mark