Put the L back into the LE hunt?

I'm not trying to start a fight about this I just wanted to hear what you guys think. I have never hunted Utah before but god willing and I can still draw my bow back when I get my tag I plan to. My biggest fear is that in 15 years when I do draw my tag Spidey's great grandson Centipede will show up and my LE unit will become a zoo like the Monroe is this year. Do yu think that if they limited the number of people that could go with a legal tagholder that this might solve some of the problems. I'm not against Guides or people with money, I just think If each tagholder could only take 2-3 people with them you wouldn't have 10 spotters camped out on a bull and you couldn't take mom dad grandpa grandma and the ten aunts and uncles with you for a big campout either. I just hope every trailhead dosn't look like the Wal Mart parking lot on Nascar autograph signing day when I get my tag. I don't know about anyone else but I might pay that guy for the GPS cordinates of the bull just so I could steer my truck in the opposite direction.
I know how you feel man..... but it's public land and they're just "camping"
I can see how you might think this way, but you have to remember that there are so many big bulls in Utah, that you should not have to contend with people at that magnitude. If your able to do your homework and are willing to get out and walk then you should be able to find bulls that are isolated and not being bothered.

This whole spider bull thing is not the norm and is just a freak show that everyone is trying to get in on. I say let em. It gives me a whole lot nicer hunt nowing that everyone is off chasing him and leaving me alone.

So no I would not want there to be a limitation on how many people could accompany a tag holder on a hunt.
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+2, Agreed, it's all public land and open for anyone who wants to enjoy.
lifetime hunter
hummm..... well maybe everyone putting in for my area of hunting will change to the Monroe.. so I might have a chance!! lol 14 yrs and counting and still don't see a light at the end of the tunnel... ](*,)
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I think that the Game Management Organizations should start managing more units for trophy animals, that would fix the draw odds, More big bulls more chance at drawing a tag, sure there are still meat hunters but theres also elk with out antlers, dont see too many trophy cows and does posted. thats my opinion, the only problem I can see with more trophy areas is higher priced licences, and not being able to get a chance at a big bull every year, if you do your work. Id wait 1 or 2 years for a tag if the average size bull was 300" and the above average was 350" with a couple 370+ bulls in the unit. We know its possible now we just have to convience the people that make the rules it will work and they will still be able to make the same amount of money.
Right now I wouldn't want to have a tag for that area and have to deal with all of the crowds, but nobody says you have to sit in the same meadow as them. If it were flatland then i could see it hurting my hunt, but with the types of terrain we have in Utah there are plenty of other clearings watch and ridges to walk.