Put the L back into the LE hunt?
6x6 bull
8/11/08 1:56pm
I'm not trying to start a fight about this I just wanted to hear what you guys think. I have never hunted Utah before but god willing and I can still draw my bow back when I get my tag I plan to. My biggest fear is that in 15 years when I do draw my tag Spidey's great grandson Centipede will show up and my LE unit will become a zoo like the Monroe is this year. Do yu think that if they limited the number of people that could go with a legal tagholder that this might solve some of the problems. I'm not against Guides or people with money, I just think If each tagholder could only take 2-3 people with them you wouldn't have 10 spotters camped out on a bull and you couldn't take mom dad grandpa grandma and the ten aunts and uncles with you for a big campout either. I just hope every trailhead dosn't look like the Wal Mart parking lot on Nascar autograph signing day when I get my tag. I don't know about anyone else but I might pay that guy for the GPS cordinates of the bull just so I could steer my truck in the opposite direction.
This whole spider bull thing is not the norm and is just a freak show that everyone is trying to get in on. I say let em. It gives me a whole lot nicer hunt nowing that everyone is off chasing him and leaving me alone.
So no I would not want there to be a limitation on how many people could accompany a tag holder on a hunt.