Quad or side by side ?

I am thinking of getting a quad 4x4 or side by side, and would like some input on which might be the best option ?. This would mainly be used to pull logs on flat ground, maybe a small disc for food plots, and small brush hog and finish mower. I have heard side by sides are tippy, do they fit in a full-size pick-up?, are they worth the extra money compared to quads?. Which brands are best, and which ones to stay way from. Anything you can give me would be helpful. Thanks guys. (???)
i have a deal for you, or anyone else i suppose. but i was talking to a buddy yesturday who has to sell his rhino, economy just aint what it used to be.

anyway, it's a 2007, he paid 11,500 for it had it chipped, duel exaust, adjustable suspention, it's their big engine, 700 or 750 , looks as new, he is wanting $7500 for it. i wish i had the $$ for it.
That does sound like a good deal, but I have a Honda Fury I need to sell to fund my next adventure, I haven't talked to the bride about this, but know she would rather see me on a ATV and get off a motorcycle, so I was looking to trade off the bike. Unless there is anyone out there who wants one sweet looking bike ?.
For riding in the hills I will pick my quad every time. It can get into more places and it turns easier and tighter than a side by side. We have a plolaris ranger at work for the facility maintenance and when we put a snow plow on it out performs my quad at plowing snow hands down. My quad has the power but not the weight for traction. If the majority of it's life is going to be working like you have said then I would go with the side by side. I know that the ranger that we have won't fit in the bed of a pick up it's to wide.
I have a Yamaha Rhino, LOVE IT. But it will not get you were a quad will and is much bigger. Great for kids and TONS of room for gear etc.
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I've had both. The Rhinos and Rangers exceed legal witdth on a lot of FS trails. It is pretty easy to have over 10 k in a Rhino or Ranger, you can get a darn nice Jeep or Toyota for that. Nothing gets around in the woods like a quad. JMO
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After I had my rhino for a year, and never rode my 4-wheeler I decided to sell it. I wouldn't mind owning another 4-wheeler for a few places I ride, but for the most part my rhino will go anywere I tell it to.
"catdogs" wrote:I've had both. The Rhinos and Rangers exceed legal witdth on a lot of FS trails.
That is exactly why I would stick with a quad. Plus they don't hurt your pocket nearly as bad.