
I seen a post on another forum of a guy that shot a 34" buck with a 6" dropper just this last season he got to the buck and field dressed him and ran out of light so he tucked the deer under a tree and went back to camp until the next morning when he came back to where his deer was he could not find it so he went back to hunting and shot another deer is this poaching?
What was the reason he couldn't find it? Was it stolen? Did he not mark or lose the location?
I guess that is all beside the point. He is poaching.
For sure is poaching I have spent many nights hauling out critters as i am sure most people on this forum has.....
He claimed a mountain lion got it. When i got the deer in my avatar it was right before dark and we stayed and got the job done. We had to hike out in the middle of the dark but we was prepared with head lamps ECT
I know what it is like to have to leave a animal, just before dark and bring it out next morning. I left a good antelope [long time ago] found only bits and pieces and the backbone and skull next morning. I felt terrible.
I've been forced to leave a carcass few times since.
It has worked for me. Take off my sweaty, stinky undershirt. Place it over the carcass. Have not lost a overnight critter after that." alt="" />
I would have to say that it's poaching. BUT, that is something that the game department would have to decide I guess.

Yea, I have never left an animal before. I know a lot of folks that have without any issues whatsoever...but I was always scared that 'yotes or something would have gotten to it.

I LOVE the t-shirt trick though!
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If he tagged the animal as most states require, he would be poaching if he shot another one without a tag. If he didn't tag the first animal he broke another law (at least in my state). Either way its wrong. I killed an elk at dark last weekend and did what it took to get it out that night. It is hard work but as hunters it is our obligation to finish the job and get the meat out of the woods and into our possession.
First, I guess thats a pretty good reason why we should carry lights with us cause not everything can be done in the daytime. Second, if i shot a buck that big i would at least strap the head on my backpack and whatever else i could take.
No kidding Jarvis.... I haven't left an animal over night yet but if I really had to I would take the head and as much meat as I could pack out. Really I can't beleive that someone would post that they did that on a public forum considering it is poaching. Oh well I guess....
ya kidding me, a 34" buck and dropper would never be left over night by me.
I just read on the other forum that he killed another deer over 30 that got ate by lions sounds like this guy is crazy ](*,) he edited his first post but you can still read whats left

Here is a link
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I have left animals in the field overnight, twice with elk, once with deer. Never has the meat been touched, gut piles yes. I make sure the guts are at least 50ft away from the meat. I do hang lights sticks (12 hour) around the animal.
In Wyoming you have to take the eatable portions of meat before you can take the head/horns or hide (that what the book says).
If you tag it your hunt is over—if he did shoot another animal what was he going to use a the carcass tag, that should have been on the one he “Lost”.
M. Bird
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I've holed up and slept with my kill many times. No way anything is getting my venison! I slept on the blood trail of an elk I shot once too. Got up the next day and continued. I'm pretty comfortable in the woods and have no problem staying there. As for poaching. You have to punch your tag when you kill an animal. So either he broke the law by hiding the deer untagged or was hunting with no tag thereafter.
Well he came clean after the DWR got involved and said it was all a lie ](*,)
I'm not even sure what to say to that. Good %4ll. I hope he gets charged for the wasted time on the DWR's part. What a goof. :>/
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"MULEY7MM" wrote:He claimed a mountain lion got it. When i got the deer in my avatar it was right before dark and we stayed and got the job done. We had to hike out in the middle of the dark but we was prepared with head lamps ECT
The deer in your avatar looks more like a dear with two yearlings. Looks like that one was worth not shooting! lol :thumb
I knew i shouldnt of changed it but i had to mix it up a little
that "deer" doesnt sleep in the garage!!!!!