Question about elk sheds

What month do they normally drop in. I am still seeing a lot of bulls that are packing. Some guys at the archery shop said they have seen bulls pack till Mid April??? I would think the first of March for most elk and the deer should all be shed by then.
I saw a bull still packing on APRIL 15 last year,opening day of bear,his horns were almost white,huge 6x6.
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Most elk will start loosing their antlers in mid march, deer should be close to mid march for about 90% sheded. I have seen some drop as early as late Jan. and some holding tonto mid April. With this cold stress winter I believe they will drop a little early?
To be safe to say the percentage around Utah is, Deer is Feb 80% -March 20%, Elk March 70% - April 30%.

This is my opinion anyway.
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In the areas around where I live very few elk shed in march, and the ones that do are very late march. April is the best month for drops, but I have seen good bulls carry up in to may. I have even seen a few deer still packing the first part of April. It all depends on the animal and the year.
Buck Fever
Most of the elk around here in Idaho shed in the middle to later march. I think it depends on the year.. I found a very fresh deer horn on Jan. 6th this year. I've heard of guys picking up deer horns in Dec.. ****banana
Thanks for the feed back..... :thumb trying to work in some extended weekends for shed hunts =D>
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three years ago I seen three nice mature bulls 2 330-340 6 points and a big 5x6 still packing both antlers the 5th of may in central CO. I think they drop when they drop, hard to believe that those bulls could grow their antlers in four months. Never would have believed it if I hadnt seen it myself.