Question about Mormon Crickets/atv trails

Over the past couple of years in the area that my dad, brother, friends and I hunt we have run into a few rough things. First of all my dad has been hunting in the same place going on 30 years now and has had great success but over the past five years the area has died down quite a bit.... We have been having a bunch of mormon crickets up there and I was just wondering if they would drive the herds(Deer and Elk) out of the area? Secondly over the past 3-4 years they have put in a recreational atv trail that goes through the most part of the area. Would that run the herds out as well?
Mormon crickets, I doubt it. ATV trails and ATV's YES, most certainly. What a pain and that will ruin a great hunting area 9 times outa 10 in my opinion. :)
I hear them mormon crickets are good eatin though. :thumb
Or at least good fish bait.

...on second thought, maybe them crickets could be eating everything out of house and home and the deer are forced to find feed elsewhere? Who knows?

That is what I was thinking and worried about. The crickets are pretty thick and so I think that they are forcing the herds out because there is cattle in the area as well and the cattle is staying down low where the crickets are non existant. Thanks for your insight,
Very interesting question, you might be right. Cursed crickets. :)
Where are Segals when you need em now.