Question for you BOHNTR ?
6x6 bull
12/11/10 9:07pm
Bohntr, Lets say that I finally draw my Strip tag and I hire the best guide on the strip for my once in a lifetime tag. We all know that the next world record could be around the next hill. I show up to camp and my guide shows me trail cam pics of a giant that he has taken at a specific tank. He has many cameras out and has decided that this water hole is my best chance to kill him. Lets for the sake of arguement say that I happen to kill this great buck. Will I get to enter it into the record books? It was taken with the use of electronic devices was it not? What is the currrent stance on trailcams by P&Y? I wonder how many trophies are entered with this very same thing happening?
The game cameras that are not allowed are the "live feed" cameras that give the hunter/guide live recordings monitored by laptop, etc.....allowing the hunter/guide to monitor the water hole live and respond when something appears.
Great points Roy. Thanks for the clarification on the subject.
if you drew your strip tag, and your guide showed you a buck that was the next world record- but on a trail camera, you'd have to be a pretty darned die hard not to shoot it just because it has had it's picture taken......
I really can't say they give you anymore advantage than say physically sitting up on a hill and glassing the same water hole during watering hours. I've done that.....then walked down to the waterhole to check his track for future reference.....only to find a camera. Think about it, now we both (camera and I) have acquired the same amount of information......just different means to get there. Now I will say to those that use them........just because your trail cam is on a seep/hole doesn't mean a person can't hunt there.......the camera does not provide ownership of the public property in which it sits. Some seem to forget that.
Lastly, just because you get a photo of a buck on a camera......or see him on a hole.....doesn't mean you're going to kill him there.......especially on the Strip. Many of the bucks water at several different seeps and tanks. I know I arrowed my Strip buck by means of stalking.......even though I could have sat some water holes......but there was no guarantee a big enough buck was going to come in that week if at all. I liked my chances with spot and stalking.....where I was in control of what I hunted. Just a personal thing for me......and it worked out.
You're absolutely right......and what you just described occurs annually on the Strip and Henries. It's not a violation of fair chase in terms of record entry.....but not my preferred method of take.