questions for Mule Deer experts

This is the first year that I plan to try and go out of state to hunt MD. I'm kind of confused with the whole process. The fish and game departments have not been much help(I may not ask the right questions). I'm looking at Montana, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. So is it better to sit back and buy points for the next 5-15 years or is it better to try and draw. Does it really take 15-17 points to draw some of the better hunts in the states example-(Gunnison Basin and Henry mountains). Idaho does not draw on a point system so its new to me. In Colorado, i'm looking at the Gunnison basin and Cripple and Grape creek areas, Utah-of course the Henrys, are there some good units in Northern Utah that take less points. Nevada - Jawbridge mountain and jackpot area. I'm a rifle hunter, so i know the tags are hard to get. I've yet to havest a MD buck over the 160inch mark. So i'm not to picky and of course if i don't get a good tag it's alot cheeper to stay close to home. Thanks for everyone's expert advice.
Does it really take 15-17 points to draw some of the better hunts in the states example-(Gunnison Basin and Henry mountains).
I'll speak for the Henry Mtns. and unfortunately YES it really does take that long. Some areas/states don't take near that long and if it was me I'd rather hunt than buy points my whole life waiting/hoping to get a tag. Guess it depends on age, money, etc. Those coveted tags are coveted for a reason though as the Henry Mtn. unit in Utah is producing absolute monsters ever year for the last several years.

Best of luck in your decision, just build up some points for now and as you learn more about units etc. they you can pick one and hope to draw sooner than later.

Welcome to MuleyMadness also. :thumb
I've started putting in for the units that take quite a few points to draw (5-10 points) and just expecting not to draw. However, that doesn't make the unit off limits to me! I've started going about a week before my hunt would be and scouting around and learning the area so that when I do draw, I have a much better chance at being successful. I go a little early so I don't add to the hunting pressure for those that are lucky enough to draw, plus there shouldn't be as many people around if you go early.

To me it is just as fun to go scout and get into the wilderness as it is to go hunt. Granted there are a few limits to this, as I'm more than likely not going to drive from Texas to Montana just to do some scouting.

That's just how I like to do it. That way if I don't draw I can still have the opportunity to go look at some mulies!
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In Nevada the point system doesn't really mean much. Obviously the more points you have the better chance you have to draw a tag. Unlike Oregon, Nevada doesn't give tags to the high point holder. For the Jarbridge and Jackpot area in 2008 the draw odds were 6 to 1 for the early hunt and 47 to 1 for the late tag. Obviously the odds aren't great but my advice would be to put in for the actual hunt because there is always a chance that you could be one of the lucky one's to draw it with no points. Hope this helps and if you have any other questions I will be glad to try and answer them.