any luck on the wasatch? love too see some storys an pics. and i was wondering if any could give me directons to neff canyon on the wasatch? THANKS
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I haven't had any luck on the Front yet. I'll be out this weekend and next to hopefully connect on something.

Here are the directions to Neff's Canyon:

From Salt Lake City, Head east toward Mill Creek Canyon on 3800 South Wasatch Blvd. At the first stop sign (Parkview Dr., 3700 East) turn right and go 1.1 miles to Parkview Terrace (4175 East 4245 South). Turn left and continue to White Way (4275 South 4260 East), turn right heading generally eastward and uphill to the end of the road. The trailhead is marked and the trail begins as a rocky jeep road.

Good luck out there.
A friend got a nice buck tonight. 10x9 (counting eye guards), I dont know how wide. It has a dropper on the 9 point side that comes off of the bur. The 10 point side is crazy, it looks like its wind swept back and has a broken point, nice and massive as well.
"Jeff" wrote:A friend got a nice buck tonight. 10x9 (counting eye guards), I dont know how wide. It has a dropper on the 9 point side that comes off of the bur. The 10 point side is crazy, it looks like its wind swept back and has a broken point, nice and massive as well.
Ummmmmmmm, you can't come on here saying stuff like that and not post pics. Come on man we want to see this brute! :thumb Oh and congrats to the hunter!
All I have is a crappy cell phone pic, I'll try to get some better pics tomorrow.