Quick update and contact info

Hey guys and gals, I FINALLY was able to get online and peek in on you all. I am doin' fine, workin' like mad, and enjoying the occassional mortar attack to keep things lively...no worries though, they ain't very accurate and usually don't even come close to thier intended targets.

For those of you that asked...and for those of you that need to contact me for ANY reason, here is my info. (instead of leaving a PM here just email me at the address below. I am able to check those with much more frequency).

email: jeremy.hawkins.1@iraq.centcom. mil

Mailing address

AGC(AW/SW) Jeremy Hawkins
APO AE 09315

Thus far the worse part is the lack of water and subsiquent shower "rationing". However, I manage just like I do when I'm hikin'. A bit of water and a clean rag and I'm good to go...LOL

Take care all and I'll make sure I peak in as often as possible. Sure miss keep up with you folks here at MM and helpin' out when I can.

Oh yea, when are the Idaho regs coming out for '08? I need to keep on top of 'em so I don't miss my app. deadlines. Killer, you puttin' in for Idaho again this year?

Thanks for the report and be safe.
great to hear from you hawk, glad your staying safe. just an "occassional" mortor attack????? thats a little spooky! keep you head down :thumb
idaho deadline is june 5 for elk and deer. i will be applying or buying a general tag this year unless by some freak accident i draw some great tag [ remember my 0 for 7 states last year?? so not likely ](*,) i have reieved a copy of the regs this year i will try and call to see if i can get a couple.
anyway thanks for checking in :thumb :thumb
Good hearing from ya Hawk. Oh mortar attacks? that sounds like fun lol just kidding.haha You better stay safe over there. Take care.
Thanks for the contact info. Hope all is well over there.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:Thanks for the contact info. Hope all is well over there.

We miss ya around here.
Glad to hear from you, stay safe and drop in whenever you can.

God Bless
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Good to hear from you Hawk... Keep your head on a swivel man. Godspeed.