R.M.H.A. Please take a look.

There have been a bunch of us over at the Utah Division Fourm that have been working on getting a group together to talk about the way that our state is handling our hunting and fishing resourses. We are banding together and getting organized to go the the public RAC meetings so that the voice of the average hunter will be heard.

Our name is Rocky Mountin Hunters Alliance.

We are tired of a few select people making the decisions for the rest of us so we are doing something about it. We are not saying that they have done a bad job and we are not against what they stand for. We would just like for our voice to be heard so the we feel like we getting a fair representation on our concerns.

Please feel free to check out our new fourm at.


All it costs to join now at this special introductory offer is your $.02 worth of opinion. It doesn't get any cheaper than that. :what-do-u-think

We welcome everyone to come and take a look. It doesn't matter to us if you are from Utah or not. The more people that we have working on the same subjects the better the chances we have of getting some good solutions. I've noticed that a bunch of you come to our fine state to hunt so we would like your input also as to what you have liked and what you didn't like.

Right now we are just getting started and the main part of our focus is just in the state of Utah. One day it would be nice to see this group or ones like it become established across the nation to stand up and speak for the average hunter and their concerns.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to get then answered. Please join us in the start of something great the more people that we can get behind us the louder our voice will be and the better representation we will have.

Hope to see you there soon.

Thanks to Muley Madness for letting me go on and on about this. :not-worthy
Allan, you have a real nice thing going here, wish I were out there I would work on being your right hand man. What can an old Muley hunter from MN do to help?
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I here ya there Waynedevore, I wish we could get somthing like that in our state most the guys here cant seam to get on the same pg though. good luck a_bow_nut if I can help from where I stand just ask. Jim W
Thanks guys. The best thing that I can think of it input. Check out our fourm and if you have any kind of ideas that you might think will help then please bring them up on our fourm. You just never know where the next idea will come from and it could change everything. I think that no matter where you are from we are all facing basicly the same problems. Problems like loss of habitat, quality of game, not being listened to about wildlife concerns, and access issues. Maybe you guys have thought of something that has never even crossed our brains and maybe it could work the other way also.

I think that the sharing of knowledge(like on this site) is the key. That is why I find Muley Madness such a refreshing fourm to come to. The people here are willing to help each other and share what they know unlike certin other fourms that I've been to where all they want to do is complain about how things are and beat each other up over their views on how hunting and fishing should be in their eyes.

I don't know if you guys have a fourm that is ran by your wildlife division or not but this is where our little group started at. If you have some kind of local fourm like this then bring it up to them. You might be surprised at what you might find. If you guys are interested in this I'm sure that the smart people that got ours started would be more to help you out.

Our group kinda started as joke that has really started to turn into something. Its been amazing to watch it bloom into what we have now. I'm also excited at where this could go in the future. Ok my figers are getting tired so I'll stop now.
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Excellent posts a_bow.

We would also like to extend a hand to people from out of state and assist you guys in doing the same thing in your own state. Like a_bow said, We are not limited to Utah, But that's where we are starting out.

If anyone is interested in starting a chapter of RMHA in their hometown/state, Shoot me an email @ joeaverage06@yahoo.com or visit us @ http//rmha.hyperboards.com

Thanks for your ears and thanks to Muley Madness for providing us a voice. This is a great site.

Just going to bump it once here. :)