Rage or Muzzy's
1/17/11 6:33pm
So I want to shoot new broadheads this year and I'm debating on the Muzzy MX-3's or the 3 bladed Rage broadheads. What are your guys opinions on these broadheads. I'll be using them on muleys. Any input would be good.
But you will probably find valid arguments for both broadheads, and someone will mention G5's.
Personally, I have had bad luck with mechanical broadheads. I switched back to Muzzy and glad I did.
There is a big following for both you have mentioned and quite honestly I don't think you would go wrong with either. I guess what has impressed me most about the Rage is the blood trail they leave.......never never had any broadhead perform like them.
If you do a thread search you will find a lot of activity on this subject.
The advantage of the Muzzy's is the ability to break bone. I can say from personal experience, Rage will not break bones, they just skip off them or fold the blades back almost flat.
Just my two cents.
Thanks for all the input
I know I’m comparing apples and oranges here but I’m down to Ulmers Edge’s & Wac’em Triton’s
Ulmers Edge’s. 7075 Aluminum alloy ferrule being harder than the normal 6061, sharp chisel tip but the blades are single bevel and somewhat dull to the touch but I’m sure they are sufficient to cut flesh. Cut Dia. 1-1/2”. They fly exactly like field points out to 90 yards.
Wac’ems. Nothing not to love, Hardened stainless steel, Extremely Sharp Dbl bevel Very nice broadhead, Cut Dia. 1-1/32”. I haven’t had the chance to shoot at distance.
Somewhere in here if anyone is interested
Here is a link to a BH test with all makes and models. Pretty extensive test so you can see how different heads stack up
BTW, I still vote Muzzy standard 100g. They have been around for a long time for one reason. They get the job done without fail. :thumb
That's an expensive head if you miss and it hits something hard... But to each his own.
I can still get 6 muzzy heads that are plenty sharp for $25. Hard to beat that :thumb
Yeah I’m not saying I’d be running out and buying two sets of broadheads to make one good one but I like the guys ingenuity to make a better product. My guess is you’ll see a Ulmer with the same size blades next year maybe sharp too.
I do like the Wac’ems Thanks to BOHNTR I gave them a try. I was able to shoot them at distance the last couple nights and they are dead Nuts the same as my field points out to 90 yards. What was shocking is I had a tighter group with Wac’ems than the mechanicals I’ve been shooting not by much but they were tighter which I never thought possible. Maybe I’ve haven’t had my past bows in tune or something but I never could get other big named Fixed blades to fly this good? Can’t go wrong with Wac’ems cut-on-contact and the Solid stainless steel ferrule.
We should get together and fling some arrows. We tried to hook up a few times, it just didnt work out with scheduling. I have a couple different targets I can bring for something to shoot at. Also, I have a number of different BH's you guys can try at longer distances if you want. :thumb
I went out this morning with my deer target and shot 110 yds at the range behind Sam Boyd. Its not a bad spot if you bring your own target. You can tell its getting close to hunting season though, it was a packed house this morning at 6am.
I'm scrambling for a hunt, Out of 12 draws I got tag soup this year. I picked up an mule deer OTC for Arizona back in January & didn't see much. Not real familiar with the area but I'll give it a try next month. Trying to put a archery hunt together in South Dakota too.
Wow that's a nice range at the house. Must be close to Newton's place? Yeah that would be fun to check out.
Sounds good to me I free most weekends or weekday evenings.