2/16/11 12:06pm
Hey guys, im planning on doing a backcountry bowhunt in the UInta Wilderness this year and am going to need to get me some raingear. (rain is an almost everyday thing out there) I want something that is light with little or no insulation. What do you guys use? Any recommendations? I liked the kings camo raingear but just want to hear what you all are using and get your opinions. Thanks!
I picked up a set of Kings Mountain Shadow rain gear and I love it. It is pretty light, packs up nicely, and breathable. I bought mine on camofire so I got a screaming deal on it (no idea what its retail price is) Cabelas also has a really light weight rain gear Space Rain is the name of it but I am not sure on how durable it is. Hope this helps.
Did I mention I live in Oregon. lol