
Hey guys, im planning on doing a backcountry bowhunt in the UInta Wilderness this year and am going to need to get me some raingear. (rain is an almost everyday thing out there) I want something that is light with little or no insulation. What do you guys use? Any recommendations? I liked the kings camo raingear but just want to hear what you all are using and get your opinions. Thanks!
I still currently use my military issue rain gear. It is very rugged and very waterproof but a little noisey and bulky. I tried on some of that new Russel Cyclone rain gear and plan on buying a set of it within a year. From what I could tell it is right up there with Sitka gear but it is a lot easier on the wallet... Just my .02
Yeah sitka is definitely out of my price range... ill have to check out the russell cyclone, thanks for the reply!
Hey Archer,

I picked up a set of Kings Mountain Shadow rain gear and I love it. It is pretty light, packs up nicely, and breathable. I bought mine on camofire so I got a screaming deal on it (no idea what its retail price is) Cabelas also has a really light weight rain gear Space Rain is the name of it but I am not sure on how durable it is. Hope this helps.
Sportsmans carrys a combo that isn't to bad pants and jacket for I think 70 bucks. I have also heard of a few guys that use the Frog togs. I believe sportsmans carries them as well. And there not two hard on the wallet.
I want the lightest and most packable rain gear there is.....that WORKS! Cabela's Space Rain™ Ultra Pack Pullover Rain Jacket and Pants is your answer for back-packing rain wear. Been using it for over five years now in the back country.
Thanks for all the replies! Its always nice to get some different opinions. I checked out the cabelas raingear and I think thats what ill go with! Thanks again!
While your there look at the MT050 or Rain Suede. I live in Oregon and this is packable, breathable and keeps me dry. Just got my second set after 10 years.

Did I mention I live in Oregon. lol
+1 on the Frogg Toggs..