Rantin' and ravin'
12/23/08 1:34pm
I just recently sat down to watch some hunting on versus, now that deer season is over and I've got that empty feeling inside. On the television show The people were hunting for mulies on a ranch somewhere in texas. What kills me is all they do is drive around in the bronco with the gun pointed out of the window. I don't really give a flyin rats tush if it's legal or not, I see it as unethical. I can see in some areas of texas where they have a jeep with a platform due to high brush, but from the shots and pictures it looked like beautiful hunting country, and the brush wasn't even that thick. The part that really kills me is, the name of the show was "Fair Game" At one point they referred to "stalking" the deer And I thought oh maybe they'll get out of the bronco now, nope they got within 250 yards of the deer and get all mad because the deer run away. I guess I just need to vent. As long as im on topic, Do you have any pet peeves about other hunters these days that just get you flamin? I'm not trying in any way shape or form to offend anyone who hunts this style, but where I was raised hunters like that are looked down upon.
I'd say my biggest pet peeve about hunting (without getting into the politics of the DWR) is the way they count points on white tail deer. It's not a 10 point buck! It's a 4x4 with eye guards!
Getting back to the rant and rave, before I moved to the south, I would have never thought of hunting out of a tree stand. When I was stationed in WA a few years back I hunted up there. Way to thick to spot and stalk. I learned to find where the deer traveled/bedded/fed/etc and just set up shop. It worked for me.
Down here in the south, there is no such thing, either. Tough enough just to "walk" through the woods. I have put my tree stands overlooking trails and have had success. There is no way you could walk through the woods and see the deer before they hear/smell/sense you. All you'll be left with is the sound of something leaving your immediate area.
Road hunting on the other hand, depends I guess. For antelope, I believe that is the way probably more than 90% are taken. Drive the roads until you spot something worthwhile, get out and put the stalk on. Deer and elk? Not for me. Though I do appreciate those that do it as I know I won't see them in the woods and there is a fair chance they'll keep the critters in the woods where I'm at.