Rating- Spike, 3 pt etc....

Hey guys as most of you know I'm new here and was wondering why do we have spike, 2pt, 3pt etc next to our post? Also why are some people a spike and others a monster? Is it based on how long you have been a member?

Just wondering...

Scout, it's based on the number of posts you have done. I believe 50 posts will make you a forky. Not sure what the other "benchmarks" are but the more you post, the bigger you get.
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Thank you sir, I appreicate the info. I thought maybe it was that but was not sure so I thought I would ask. I will probably never become a monster.

It's kinda funny though because I tell my boys your a sporky and the older one your a forked horn working on a 3x2, they are always asking me when will I be a 4 pt dad? Soon, too soon.....
