Rattlesnake avoidance class for dogs.
7/15/09 6:44pm
For those of you who live in the Elko, NV area, there will be a "Rattlesnake Avoidance Class" on the 8th of August at the 5th Street Park. Trainers will use rattlers whose venom glands have been surgically severed. The dogs will be wearing remote controlled collars and will be given a negative reinforcement when his attention is on the live snake. Dogs are trained on sight, smell and sound of live snakes. If you are interested then go to snaketraining@gmail.com . Or call 775-412-1387.
This year while shed hunting I came accross 3 rattlers and I was afraid my dog would get bit so I'll be attending tyhe class. fatrooster.
This year while shed hunting I came accross 3 rattlers and I was afraid my dog would get bit so I'll be attending tyhe class. fatrooster.
It's a good Idea for anyone who runs dogs in areas that has rattler.
Other that being a little shy of thing that rattle my dog come through with no ill affects, they did keep an close eye on him for a few days but no medical attention was needed. the other dog was rushed to the vet and had a complet recovery.