Re: Utah Youth Hunter Legislation Proposal
5/25/11 4:12pm
A few concerns I see...
1st off this already happens IMO (illegally of course). Dad's let there kids shoot using their tag, then the kids misses etc. The Dad picks up his gun, attempts to fill the tag after the miss. So we actually have 2 people trying to fill one tag.
With the new change your prosing, my above concern would still be there and maybe worse to some extent because it "use" to be Dad's tag, so if son/daughter is unsuccessful many Dad's aren't 'okay' with that and take the gun back.
Thank heavens we don't have a lower age limit like Arizona, can't imagine a 10-11 year old packing heat at such a young age. I teach hundreds of 11-13 year olds every year and can't imagine some of these kids shooting high powered rifles so soon. If Utah tries to lower the age to 10 I would be against this idea.
On the flip side, it's all about the parents really. Some Dad's are well EXCELLENT Dad's and do a great job of training/teaching their sons. Others well, they scare me.
Have several stories at school just from this year, Hey Mr. Wilson I shot a day Mr. Wilson you know he didn't shoot that his "dad did". Or he shot lots of times, couldn't hit it or wounded it and couldn't kill it so Dad did. See my point.
Now I'm a teacher so I believe in TEACHING and LEARNING. One of the best ways to learn is PRACTICE and not just on a range, so your proposal would allow youth to do just that. Practice in the field with more opportunity or chances.
I assume Shane the reason you want this is you just feel youth need more chances?
Will this really create a love for hunting and the outdoors? Meaning will this work and build better recruitment and maintain hunters for the future?
I like the idea of donating tag to Non-profit organization, not sure how many would do that but it's a good idea.
So that my initial thought, I WOULD support your proposal and don't have a problem with it. Just make sure parties understand a TRANSFER means TRANSFER and not Dad and Son get to do the "shooting".
1st off this already happens IMO (illegally of course). Dad's let there kids shoot using their tag, then the kids misses etc. The Dad picks up his gun, attempts to fill the tag after the miss. So we actually have 2 people trying to fill one tag.
With the new change your prosing, my above concern would still be there and maybe worse to some extent because it "use" to be Dad's tag, so if son/daughter is unsuccessful many Dad's aren't 'okay' with that and take the gun back.
Thank heavens we don't have a lower age limit like Arizona, can't imagine a 10-11 year old packing heat at such a young age. I teach hundreds of 11-13 year olds every year and can't imagine some of these kids shooting high powered rifles so soon. If Utah tries to lower the age to 10 I would be against this idea.
On the flip side, it's all about the parents really. Some Dad's are well EXCELLENT Dad's and do a great job of training/teaching their sons. Others well, they scare me.
Have several stories at school just from this year, Hey Mr. Wilson I shot a day Mr. Wilson you know he didn't shoot that his "dad did". Or he shot lots of times, couldn't hit it or wounded it and couldn't kill it so Dad did. See my point.
Now I'm a teacher so I believe in TEACHING and LEARNING. One of the best ways to learn is PRACTICE and not just on a range, so your proposal would allow youth to do just that. Practice in the field with more opportunity or chances.
I assume Shane the reason you want this is you just feel youth need more chances?
Will this really create a love for hunting and the outdoors? Meaning will this work and build better recruitment and maintain hunters for the future?
I like the idea of donating tag to Non-profit organization, not sure how many would do that but it's a good idea.
So that my initial thought, I WOULD support your proposal and don't have a problem with it. Just make sure parties understand a TRANSFER means TRANSFER and not Dad and Son get to do the "shooting".

5/26/11 6:52pm
Tough call. Don't agree with breaking any rules but if the child can handle the weapon and the weapon can handle the critter and its legal. On the other hand I took a bunch of rabbits, squirl and prediters before my mom put me on a whitetail and elk.