I finally got with the real world a bought a new phone, a "smart one" lol (new Samsung Galaxy s5)
I will say that the new forum setup is better when using it on a phone, I was getting a little frustrated with it on my outdated phone and laptop.
But I'm still trying to figure things out so I'll see if this works
I like talking kids out to get their first animals. This is one of my nephews. They all want "uncle Brian " to take them out. Lol
he missed 3 bucks, and we seem 14 bucks in 2 days before finally making a nice 100 yard shot on this 3 pointThat same morning we got to watch this 320-325 bull run his cows. My nephew still tells every one b that it was the greatest 2 days he's ever been in the woods. He is 15 and has tried with his dad and grandparents to get a buck since he was 12.This is my other nephew, he doesn't really have a dad and I try to spend a lot of time with him. He is a really great kid! I've been doing the mentor program with him since he was 9.
When he was 9 he killed his first doe, then when he was 10 he killed a nice 3 point with a muzzle loader . This year we did hunter safety. I went with him to every class and the field day. He was far and away more advanced then every other kid in the class and all the instructors complemented him a lot for how well he handles guns.This year he killed this nice little forked horn with a muzzle loader. Open sites, 80b yards, free hand. Shot his heart out! I am very proud of him ! I can't believe his so called father won't make time to even see him once a year.I also have started taking my own kids out. This is my daughter. She was being too go now hunting with me so we went and sat on a stand one night. Only seen some does but she was excited. Next year she turns 9 and will be able to try and get a doe. Her great grandpa just gave her a Remington 222 rifle that was his dad's gun. She had been shooting it and loves it. Right now anything within 100 yards is in serious trouble! Is petty cool to know she's hunting with a gun her great , GREAT, grand father hunted withOf course my boy - he's all about hunting. He's 6 and wanted to go out with me too . It wasn't very productive, but site was av fun night.Then this is my mom's buck. She's hunted for 30 years and has only got 1 other buck. This one I spotted from a mile away . We did a 2 hour stalk, that her and my dad kept thinking would never work. When we got there, both bucks were right where we had seen them. She heart door this buck at 385 yards! It was pretty awesome! In fact , my dad is getting it mounted for her.I guess 1 last picture, if they even work, lol, I have been enjoying hunting with the my kids and nephews. I do believe it is so important to get them out there. Enough so that I have given up some of v the time that I would go for myself just to be able to go c with them.
Awesome times! I actually really like hunting deer in Oregon. Everyone says it sucks but I always seem to have a great time. Looks like you have been having a lot of fun.------SS
It has been a ton of fun. I see that in the previous years I had kids forgotten what hunting was really about and was putting to much pressure on myself trying to kill big animals. And although it is VERY REWARDING when you do, I honestly think it is just as rewarding seeing a kid get his first animal. I've come to realize that it is more about how the hunt happens than the actual kill.
I don't know if anyone remembers a post I made about t years ago. I did a solo backpack hunt and killed a 4x1 bull . Called it into range, shoot it in the heart, then pushed it out 4.4 miles out of the wilderness to my truck all by myself. When I look back at all my elk hunts, I would put that higher on my list of favourites than the hunt that I killed my biggest bull- a 6x7 that scored 327 or my next biggest. -a 6x6 @304.
Those were great hunts, but not near the effort and challenges were put into them as the little 4x1.
Another thing I look at, I don't know if I could pull off that hunt anymore. That was a real ballbuster! I'd like to go again, but I would definitely have a neat packet on speed dial! Maybe I'm just getting old lol
Good on you for not only taking your own kids out but also your nephews!
And, believe me, I know about "getting old"! My cousin got a medium sized cow less than a mile from the road. A few years ago (or maybe a couple of decades) the two of us would have been able to get it out whole in maybe two hours as it was mostly down hill the entire way. We drug that thing on a sled for about 200 yards before we decided to separate the hind quarters from the rest of the body. Worked much better and only took about 3 hours! We did have a heck of a time getting the front half alone into the back of the truck. Pretty much finished us off yet we still had the hind quarters to get in!
Now I know what I was told many times when I was younger by my elders. Youth is truly wasted on the young!
Great job KB! That was a great shot by your mom. It must run in the genes? WTG with your nephew and kids. It's guys like you, that do the most for the future of hunting. =D> Thanks for sharing the hunts.
I don't know if anyone remembers a post I made about t years ago. I did a solo backpack hunt and killed a 4x1 bull . Called it into range, shoot it in the heart, then pushed it out 4.4 miles out of the wilderness to my truck all by myself. When I look back at all my elk hunts, I would put that higher on my list of favourites than the hunt that I killed my biggest bull- a 6x7 that scored 327 or my next biggest. -a 6x6 @304.
Those were great hunts, but not near the effort and challenges were put into them as the little 4x1.
Another thing I look at, I don't know if I could pull off that hunt anymore. That was a real ballbuster! I'd like to go again, but I would definitely have a neat packet on speed dial! Maybe I'm just getting old lol
And, believe me, I know about "getting old"! My cousin got a medium sized cow less than a mile from the road. A few years ago (or maybe a couple of decades) the two of us would have been able to get it out whole in maybe two hours as it was mostly down hill the entire way. We drug that thing on a sled for about 200 yards before we decided to separate the hind quarters from the rest of the body. Worked much better and only took about 3 hours! We did have a heck of a time getting the front half alone into the back of the truck. Pretty much finished us off yet we still had the hind quarters to get in!
Now I know what I was told many times when I was younger by my elders. Youth is truly wasted on the young!