Recipes PLEASE

So speedgoat is finally going to get to live up to his name.. I drew a CO antelope tag after 4 years of points. That being said I had some sausage that we made from a freinds goat from last year - it did not taste so good, gave me heartburn and found it pretty gamey.

If you've eaten them before what is the best prep methods and recipes? I want to be able to eat the darn thing...
Snake River Marksman
it all starts before you even shoot the darn thing. You do not want one that has been run all over the county for 30min before you shot it. If it is all juiced up on adrenaline, you're alread behind the curve. Get close and make a good, killing shot right off the bat. Remember, adrenaline is bad. Next, bring about 5 gallons of water with you on the hunt, get that goat opened up and cooling as fast as you can, and wash out the chest cavity with that water. I'm building a cooler box for the back of my truck with some plywood and foam board insulation to put the antelope in after it is field dressed and washed out. If you don't want to build a box like that, putting a couple of bags of ice in the chest cavity, and getting the carcass up off the bed of the truck so air can flow under goes a long way as well. If your antelope is eating in alfa fields instead of sage out on the prairie, that will change the flavor as well. Does and young bucks are usually better than big old bucks, especially if the rut is on.
If you get a "good" antelope, there isn't much gameyness to it. If you get a "bad" antelope, you can't hide that flavor for nothing.
Best of luck, and good eating.
cabelas bratworst kit!!!!
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Good avice - keep it coming if anyone else has ideas. I am going with a guy who has many goats under his belt and seems to be very opinionated (he's also the one who got me access to the private land) but I can certainly wash him out and get some ice in there. For us the seaosn is the first weekend in october which can still be quite warm.

anyone have recipes that work? I know that we will be in the plains, I am picturing sage..
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My wife the city girl likes antelope the best of all wild game, with that said I agree with SRM exsept for the Ice in the Chest cavity. Antelope hide and hair is designed to hold it's body temp. so when you put ice in the chest cavity the meat closest to the hide will stay warm and you can get spoilege. get the hide off and 1/4 up the goat. then use ice in layers in a ice chest. ( you may need to leave proof of sex).
I cook antelope steaks on the grill at a lower heat then I do for beef, season it and give it a light coating of olive oil. it will tend to dry out if you over cook it.
Snake River Marksman
Speedgoat, just because they are in the sage, doesn't mean that they will be totally rank. It just means it will have a different flavor than the alfa buck, more sage flavor, but not necessarily over powering. I really think proper field care has more to do with edibility than what the goat was eating. Food counts, but it's not the whole story.
Try this: 1pkg kung pao chicken spice,
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup worchestshire
1/4 cup vegatable, olive or peanut oil
3tbs white vinegar
two healthy squirts of lemon juice
3tbs McCormicks Old Bay seasoning
a healthy dose of crushed red pepper
Cut the meat into strips 1/2" by 1/2"
Put them in the marinate. If there isn't enough marinate to totally cover the meat, add red wine, or good, dark ale to cover it. Allow it to marinate overnight.
Heat charcoal to medium hot (hand 4" over the coal for a 5 mississippi count) cook for 8 minutes turn regularly.
The Ox
must depend on who makes the sausage i had a few depredation lope tags for our hayfield (does) and made only sausage and jerky outta it. loved loved loved em both! sasusage was fantastic and everybody that tasted it loved it! i will just throw it in a fryin pan and cook it up and eat it plain really really awesome!. course it was eating on alfalfa all summer long that prob effects it alot lol. i hear so many different thihngs tho some people love it others hate it! so dont know, only had one other antelope and we let someone shoot it him off our field also and it was awesome jerky. i think any game jerkyied it gonna be good maybe get a lot of jerky made from it???
The Ox
one other thing i have found at least imho is cajun seasoning seems to kill alot of the wild game taste