7/6/07 7:21pm
How many of you think 40 pounds in draw weight will kill a muley easy?
My son arrowed his first buck last season....complete pass-thru......arrow stuck deep in the hill behind........shooting a whopping 33 pounds.
Fred Bear shot many using 40 pounds......
To answer your question directly, YES 40 pounds will do the job easily. However, the rules of bowhunting never change no matter how much weight you're shooting........shot placement is still the key.
i guided a guy from luisiana once and their laws have no age limit just as long as you can pull 35 lbs. back your good to go, so his son at age 7 practised and practised until he could do it easily and shot 3 does and 1 buck with his bow the first year! AT 7!!! he sat in the same treestand as his dad and his dad would walk him through the whole thing. if 35 lbs can do it so can your 40 lbs!
Can you tell me the specs on the arrows your son was shooting? I've got my 13 yr old using a bow for the first time this year. He's pulling around 30lbs right now in the backyard and we plan to crank him up as close to 40 as he can pull between now and the hunt.
What size arrows?
I've got him shooting 3555's right now with 75gr heads. He's got pretty decent arrow flight and is shooting decent groups at 20 yards. The arrows are a little heavy but like I said, he's got pretty good flight right now. Just curious what your son is using.
The cool thing about NV and our youth tags is that he can hunt during the archery season, the black powder season and then rifle if need be. He can shoot a buck or a doe. That's a tough tag to beat!
He's using GT 3555's, Blazer vanes, and 85 grain Magnus Stinger 2-blade heads. He gets VERY good arrow flight with this combo.
His bow is the Hoyt RinTec....which is a fairly fast bow for the pounds he's pulling. Hope it helps.
We leave on the 10th of August for a 10 day archery hunt in Ely. We ran across several P&Y class mulies over the last 2 years elk hunting this area.
No elk tags this year, so it's all about the deer...
Then youll probobly end up killin' somethin'!
The minimum draw weight for a bow is 40lbs in Idaho.
I mean for elk it has to be 65.
I'm not trying to argue, I just can't find that rule.
Please provide a link to the ID regs that say archery elk hunt regs are different than archery deer hunt regs.
There is only one set of archery rules for Idaho.