Recomendations on Trail Camera's

I'm looking at buying some Trail Camera's. Any recommendations on what Brands to buy or to stay away from?
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stay away from the older moultrie 6-volt ones.. they suck the battery dead in a short time and dont last long in extreme weather..The new moultries are nice. Cuddibacks are awesome if u can afford them.. Stealth cams take nice pictures but the trigger time seems to be slow. Wildview cams are very inexpensive have fast trigger times, but the picture quality isnt as great.. I have been buying th wildviews because they are inexpensive and I can get a ot of them. The pics I can still tell what the animals are so they work great for what I use them for. These are the cams Ive had experience with.. hope that helps!!
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Thanks for the feedback. I'm looking to buy a few of them so I might go with the Wildview as well. Where did you buy yours and how much did they set you back?
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ive gotten all of my wildview cams either off of ebay or cabelas.. They have them at wal-mart too but I like to get at least the 3.0 megapixel ones, which I dont think wal-mart carries. Just lately I have started getting their Infared cameras. I like them alot.. The new infared 3.0 is available from cabelas and it my favorite cam of theres. It runs $110.00 from cabelas, but I have got the 2.0 infared version off of ebay as cheap as $70.00 shipped.. You can expect to pay from $60-$110 for a 3.0 megapixel or larger camera that I would recommend.
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Thanks for the help man! Can't wait to get some and get them set up.
You can build a REALLY nice for about 200 bucks. Sony 6 megapixel camera.

I just built one, can't set it up for a while yet. Will have to get some photos of it up soon.


I can show/tell you were and how to get the stuff to build them if you'd like. It's pretty fun and cool. They are sweet trail cams also.
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I can show/tell you were and how to get the stuff to build them if you'd like. It's pretty fun and cool. They are sweet trail cams also.
Show away. :thumb
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I'd be interested in knowing how to make a 6 megapixel Trail cam for $200. Have you used these? If so, how well do they hold up to the weather, etc.?
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The Wildview cameras are cheap and they get he job done. The pics arent really that great though and for my next cam I'm going try to build one.
I strapped my first cam to a tree a couple of weeks ago, and it's a Wildview. What I like about it the most is the loop on the side of the housing. It allows you to chain it to a tree so honest people don't steal it. I think I have a picture of a guy trying to do just that! lol
I just bought my 2nd Moultrie Game Spy I 4.0 for $200 and they've been working great. I just checked my first one (for the 2nd time) this weekend that I put out 6 weeks ago and it still has 80% battery life. I only get up about every 3 weeks so battery life is important - and that's in triple digit temps. Pic quality is good enough for me at 4 mp, color during the day, b/w IR at night.
I just checked my first one (for the 2nd time) this weekend
AND???? :-k
...and unfortunately not much - 1 doe, a bunch of quail and varmints. Its a desert area with a small herd - supposedly good bucks though if I can find them. After 6 weeks I pulled it and will be moving both to a new spot this Sunday. Here's a couple pics..." alt="" />" alt="" />
So I moved my camera and set up a second one in a new spot, over water and minerals. There's a small den with a lot of scat (kind of big scat) with 3-4 trails coming into the wash. There's now 4 confirmed lions living in the area so maybe I'll get them on camera. Not too sure how good a spot it will be for deer though if lions, or even coyotes live there - any ideas? Won't be able to check for pics for another week, but will post if anything shows up.
Deer should be there if there is lions, look forward to the pics.
Well, I checked my second spot for the second time and 0 deer, a few pigs and this lion. Time to accept that this is not the spot to be and move on..." alt="" />
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Hey Moultrie cams are great and the batteries do die but I found a battery that will last it is a compact 6v that they use in exit signs in buildings. it will hold a charge for a month without any help but with a solar panel Who knows how long and it is also a dry cell so the cold should not affect it as much. I found mine at a battery exchange shop. oh it also has a year warranty.