Recommend Permit Numbers - Utah
4/14/13 8:10pm
Tons of interesting info here regarding permit numbers for 2013 big game in Utah.
Check it out...
Check it out...
That tells me what I already knew and having been seeing, less BUCKS. So the Management tags have definitely been 'working' if you will.
The biggest thing I noticed is the recommended reduction of the Plateau, Thousand Lakes general unit from 400 to 200... based upon those recommended tag numbers why not just put this unit back into the LE pool? I don't think that number of tags offered make it "general." I get the quality argument, but that's an issue on many units & that's why Vernon and Book Cliffs tags were supposedly recommended to be cut.
I agree that cutting those management tags in half is a good idea. It's a good idea but I feel like a good number of young bucks were getting shot before they reached their potential.