Redfield Scopes - who makes them now???
Buckskin Bandit
6/12/09 11:08am
I was reading the "favorite gun" post and it reminded me of my search for a redfield scope. My buddy has one and it is the clearest best light gathering scope around for the money. Some say leopould bought it, also heard simmons bought it. Either way are they producing it and if so under what name? I currently use the Nikon buckmaster scopes-very clear and sharp especialy for the money $200. What others are out there that anyone would suggest-and what do you think of the mil-dot system-or the other one(sorry forget the name) that uses the circles instead of the mildots???
As far as mil-dots go they are a great reticle. Once you have practiced enought to know how they work with your rifle and caliber they are a great tool for quick rang finding and accurate long range shots.