Region D
7/22/04 1:13pm
:?: I live in west virginia, and will be hunting in reg D for mule deer. This will be my first visit west , can anyone help me with realistic goals of harvesting a trophy size deer? What size is a typical mulie in this area. How is the weather in october ? any help would be appreciated.
noticed your request for information about region d for mulies this coming season. i grew up in rawlins which is right in the middle of that entire region for non residents. if you look in the photos section and go to page six i think, my name is scott you will see two photos of some deer that i killed and one of my buddies killed. both are good sized deer for this area. although i have seen and heard of much bigger, these are about the size you are going to find if you be patient and hunt hard. one of my buddies killed a deer that is on website that was one of the top five photos of the year for this website. the deer scores just over 210 typical and it was only about 25 miles from my hometown. i actually almost got a shot at this same brut with my bow a couple weeks before he downed this buck. sooooooooo, the answer to your question is, there are big deer in that region. as far as the weather in october in wyoming goes. your guess is as good as mine and i have lived in that general area for 25 years. i have seen 1.5 feet of snow on opening morning and i have seen 75 degree weather on opening morning. i will tell you one thing, be prepared for the worse. if it does snow, don't even bother trying to hunt out there without tire chains on all four tires. i am serious, this country is sloppy and nasty if there is any moisture. all in all you are in for a real treat, as this is some of the best country in the world, the place i call home!
The whitetail that I am used to hunting weigh about 110-150lb on average, what can I expect a mature male to weigh.