
I just learned a lesson today, (seems I have to keep learning the same lessons over and over again). The lesson is, sometimes you get what you pay for.

I've been shooting with a Cobra release for the past 3 years because, well, because they're cheap. (Shot with a glove before that.) Seemed to me there was no reason to waste money on something so simple. But having worn out two Cobras, it was time to try something else. I bought a Scott Sabertooth double caliper for twice the money. Surprise, surprise...I can easily attach it to my loop without looking and I'm getting a noticeably smoother release, i.e., better accuracy. Money well spent.

No, I'm not a salesman. Just thought I'd share my experience with any fellow penny-pinchers out there.
Have two (2) Scotts myself, hard to beat TruBall also... :thumb
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Scott is the best. If you clean them and keep them oiled they will last indefinitely. I use the M-Pro cleaner I use on my pistols and Rem oil to lube it.
I don't think there are any "best" releases out there anymore, as there are quite a few quality manufacturers in today's archery industry. Tru-Ball, Carter, Scott, Spot-Hogg, Stanislawski, and the top end Tru-Fire releases are quality all depends on the style and feel you like.
6x6 bull
I have two Scott releases and I will never own another brand.
Shot with a TruBall back before the days of loops and have shot a Scott since. Can't really say I've dabbled with any other brands. Those worked/are working with my set-ups, so if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Sounds like you've got it fixed Kemo Sabe.
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Another thing I like about the Scott releases is their No Sweat band. It keeps the sweat from running down your arm when it's in the hundreds (like yesterday it was 104 when we shot) and they don't wear out as easily as the standard wrist band. They do get to stinkin' and need to be washed frequently or maybe that's just me. My sweet little woman doesn't wash hers much at all.
What are some of the Scott's models everyone is using?
l looked them up and there are quite a few choices?
l know Kemo Sabe mentioned the Sabertooth, but what about the other models?