
Is it possible to remount an old damaged mount? Have a mount(my first one) that was damaged by the ex and was wondering if it is possible to remount it. It has one antler that is loose, but still attached, one ear is damaged and the seam where it was sewn is stretching and starting to gap. I was guessing it could be remounted with a new hide and core, but wasn't sure. Jim
If you go with a new cape it can of course be re-mounted. The antlers being the only reused part also the antler that is loose or broke can be fixed easy. If you want to save the existing hide I’d bring it by a taxidermist and let them look at it. I’ve seen them steam to rehydrate and stretch capes and do some amazing things.
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If you use a New cape absolutely it can be remounted.

As far as re using the original cape that would depend on several factors.

1. Age of the Mount.
2. Type of Tan used'
3. Type of hide past use.
4. Damage to the original cape.

Older mounts the hides can form a memory and can be very difficult to work with. The out come may not be an improvement. Sometimes depending on the Hide paste used the cape can't be re-hydrated because the glue isn't water soluble. Also some tans as the hide age if not properly neutralized during the tanning process can develop acid rot, when re-hydrated the hide will fall apart.