Replying to a post.

I have submitted a reply 2 or 3 times now to some post on here. And it does not got through. They were pretty long replys could that be the reason the replys dont go through ? Anyone else have that to happen ?
ya, it happens whenyou have a long post. [and it really stink after typing that much] but just remember if its a long post, hit "preveiw" first and let it come up then submit it. that works all the time for me. i can usually it the "back" button at the top of my screen ,to pull the long post back up, then preveiw it, wait for it to come up[it's just a matter of seconds, then submit it. you should have no more problems.
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:) Thanks killerbee, i am long winded anymore, :) i have to type in a paragraph just to try and say what i want to say. :) I typed in a reply 3 different times to waynedevore about hunting off of horses/mules but never could get it to go through. So i give up and tried a shorter version. :)
Roybram, Try again!

Keep up the interesting posts :thumb

Any we all like looooog paragraphs :good post

Yes, do the preview first, and it works everytime. xcrossx