Trying to help with the story below. Thanks for looking." alt="" />

Late April 25th or early the 26th a robbery occurred at Silver Eagle Country Store in Heber City. There were a variety of items taken one of them being the antlers (attached to skull plate not entire skull as pictured below) of a 370 class bull elk that the manager harvested last year. He had been applying for the elk tag for 14 years. Those of us that are hunting or wildlife enthusiasts will understand the sentimental value of such a item. We are asking for the help of everyone to please watch for these antlers especially antler buyers, taxidermists, and collectors. There is a growing reward offer of $1000.00 due to donations from friends and sportsman for any information leading to the repossession of these antlers. If you have any information please contact Silver Eagle Country Store at (435)654-1951 or Heber City Police at (435)654-3040.
Thank You.

Here is the link.
That is horrible! What a crushing loss that must be. I hope they catch the idiot or idiots who took them.
Yea that sucks for sure, hope someone can turn them up...but the odds are likely low. Keep ebay eyes open. [-o<
well im hoping they are found but it looks a little bleak. anyone know where a better picture is???