RFW Antelope in CO
2/15/09 11:27am
Looking for hunters that have hunted or know about any of these four ranches....Big Gulch, Blue Gravel, Deakins or Four Mile. I have 12 points and am trying to decide which ranch to apply for the antelope. I have a better chance based on stats of getting into four mile or deakins, but the other two are larger ranches. If you have any knowledge of these I'd certainly appreciate any advise?
Deakins RFW_________10pp_________66%
Four Mill_____________10pp_________50%
Snake river___________10pp_________40%
My other choices that I am considering are:
UNIT ____________ PP _________ tags given _________ total rifle success rate per unit
AM004O1R _________ 8_________39 tags __________________ 80%
AM004W1R _________ 10_________3 tags
AM011O1R _________ 9 _________51 tags__________________ 95%
AM016O1R _________ 8 _________26 tags __________________ 52%
AM050O1R _________ 8_________9 tags ____________________ 88%
AM068O1R _________ 9 _________13 tags_____________________69%
AM081O1R _________ 9 _________5tags______________________82%
AM082O1R _________ 7_________73 tags__________________ ___87%
AM088O1R _________ 8 _________35 tags_____________________91%
AM130W1R _________ 9 _________ 23 tags_____________________64%
AM301W1R _________ 10 _________6 tags______________________93%
AM142O1R _________ 7 _________26 tags_____________________100%
AM161O1R _________ 8 _________13 tags_____________________73%
Im willing to travel and am not looking for a record book buck by any means.. Ive taken some nice antelope and just want to burn these points on a hunt with my brother with good odds of seeing some decent bucks. Any help will be greatly appreciated.