Rifle input needed

First off great site glad to find it.

I would like some opinions on the browning A-bolt particularly the stainless stalker.

And also on the 270wsm and the 25wssm.
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Here's my two cents for what it's worth.
Though i'm a Weatherby fan and love big calibers, i have been seriously looking at a 270wsm for my gal. It's almost ballistically identical to the 264 win mag, but with less recoil. I think it's going to be a very popular round and should be here to stay.
If you are looking for something that will handle elk as well as deer, i'd definately choose that one over the .25.
As far as the A-bolt....you can't go wrong there! =D>
I am not trying to compare the 25 and 270. I should have made that more clear. I am actually looking at getting both. The 270 will be my elk and muley gun the 25 will be for whitetail, coyotes, antelope etc...
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My son has a browning A bolt SS and has not had any problem with it, the only bad thing I have heard is that they don't do well around salt water.
I have a Tikka T3 in a 270 wsm and use it for Elk, Deer, and antelope.
I have a bison tag for Jackson Hole this year and other that haveing to go up to 150 gr. bullet I'll use it too.
From what I've read and heard, the 270 WSM is a very nice rifle. My dad purchased a 300 WSM from Christensen Arms this year and they told him the 270 WSM is their 2nd most popular caliber...just behind the 300 Ultra Mag. It is also supposed to be a caliber where the short mag has significantly better ballistics. I think it would be great as a deer/elk gun.
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I own a .270wsm in the winchester mod 70. I love this round. It is a very very accurate round and very deadly. The ballistics are awsome. There seems to be a misconseption with the .270wsm that alot of people think that the kick is less. This is not true. the kick is actually more. It kicks more becasue the gun is built on the short action, which allows the gun to be alot lighter and was designed to be a light weight gun and easy to pack around. This makes the kick more. It is not unbearable but it is considerable more than the regular .270. I would recomend buying this caliber to anyone.
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I shoot a 270 Weatherby Mag and have had great results. Just my two cents.
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I shoot a 270 Weatherby Mag and have had great results. Just my two cents.
.270 WSM :thumb :1
I this day of calibre duplicity, redundancy, and reciprocity any choice you make is the right one. Good luck.