rifle questions

I am headed to Alaska for a moose hunt. We all know that Alaska rains all the time and the weather is hard to pattern. I am very comfortable shooting my .325 WSM but it has a wood stock and matte finish. Should I bring a different rifle or borrow one that is stainless and synthetic or will I be okay? I thought about having the rifle dipped to protect it.

that is a really good question!
If you can tear the gun down every day and clean/oil it, you should be fine.
I have a kimber 8400 325wsm walnut/matte and it is actually quite weather resistant. Just make sure that the barrel channel and action area are well oiled and sealed.
I would however recomend a back up rifle, which often is supplied by your guide. If you're going un-guided, then you may be better off borrowing someones gun.
Also, this is a great excuse to buy a new rifle!!! lol
A used synthetic stock is pretty cheap you might want to look into getting one for your hunt other than that just keep your rifle clean and wiped down you should be fine. I took a stainless on my Alaskan hunt and I had a bit of cleaning to do when I got back to Anchorage, although I was hunting more towards the coastmore salty type air.
Snake River Marksman
Give the metal a good coat of paste wax and seal the wood with tung oil. Keep the innards of the rifle well lubed and you should be good to go.
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I am a lefty, so a used synthetic stock or a stock in general is darn near impossible!!! I feel discrimited against...LOL
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"chet" wrote: Also, this is a great excuse to buy a new rifle!!! lol

That's my kind of thinking!

I agree with what others have said: Keep your rifle well cleaned and oiled and you should be fine. There's something satisfying about using your own equipment - Especially with such an awesome rifle that you have!
Just pick up a T/C ICON in their weather shield style, then sit back and relax as Mother Nature throws her worst weather at you.