rifle questions
7/14/11 12:07pm
I am headed to Alaska for a moose hunt. We all know that Alaska rains all the time and the weather is hard to pattern. I am very comfortable shooting my .325 WSM but it has a wood stock and matte finish. Should I bring a different rifle or borrow one that is stainless and synthetic or will I be okay? I thought about having the rifle dipped to protect it.
If you can tear the gun down every day and clean/oil it, you should be fine.
I have a kimber 8400 325wsm walnut/matte and it is actually quite weather resistant. Just make sure that the barrel channel and action area are well oiled and sealed.
I would however recomend a back up rifle, which often is supplied by your guide. If you're going un-guided, then you may be better off borrowing someones gun.
Also, this is a great excuse to buy a new rifle!!! lol
That's my kind of thinking!
I agree with what others have said: Keep your rifle well cleaned and oiled and you should be fine. There's something satisfying about using your own equipment - Especially with such an awesome rifle that you have!