ripped off by sportmans wharehouse

kind of an extention of the other thread
i really like our sportsmans wharehouse[i did]. we dont have anything bigger so it's a dream!
anyway, sportsmans wharehouse just sold to a company in canada. they bought 15 of the closest stores to canada[ or so the saleslady told me] without any notice i heard on the radio today " SPORTSMANS WHAREHOUSE IS NOT HONERING THERE GIFTCARDS ANYMORE!" :>/
I HAVE SAVED UP $600.00 WORTH OF GIFTCARDS WTH??? is it just me or is that just like stealing money from people? i give them a $100 bill and get a gift card that i cant use??
total ripoff! i called the store and she comfirmed. she said that they didn't get any pre notice. they just sayed one day that the new owners are not honering the gift cards anymore. she did say they are hoping that things change in a month or so. but for now SOL
seems like a group could get together and put a lawsuit against them? dont they have to give SOME notice?
go use them at one of the ones not bought buy UFW,they are still good at the stores owned by the original company.
That blows. What a rip off :>/
I got an email that says they are closing 23 stores and the two new ones in Vegas and Henderson are among them. I love that store and I hate BassPro Shops!
DANG! That sucks Killer!

I guess if you wanted to you COULD just send them to me...the one up here is staying open. I might even send ya a shirt or a hat if need be lol
ROFL!! :thumb
I would make a call to sportmans to see if you can get them to redeem the gift cards and send you a check. The worst that they could say is no.
Does sportsmans have an online store that you could redeem them at? I used some Cabelas gift cards for a catalog item that was about 20% cheaper than the same item in their store.
I would go on their website and try and get ahold of someone that didn't sell out and see if they are still good with one of the original stores. It might still work you never know.
"AGCHAWK" wrote:DANG! That sucks Killer!

I guess if you wanted to you COULD just send them to me...the one up here is staying open. I might even send ya a shirt or a hat if need be lol
i'm gonna need your address, and social security #, and a credit card # to make sure i mail to the right place.......... lol lol j/k
but really ,if i understand her correctly, she said the canadian company bought the 15 closest stores to canada the one here is still staying open, it's just under new ownership that dont honer the old gift cards. i'm probably more ticked that they didn't at least give a short notice for customers to use them.
"NONYA" wrote:go use them at one of the ones not bought buy UFW,they are still good at the stores owned by the original company.
i did call again today and she said the store down in southern oregon was still the old owners and would honor them. unfortunatly thats a 6 hr drive. but i'll combine it with a turkey hunt in april and get them used up.
"sneekeepete" wrote:I would go on their website and try and get ahold of someone that didn't sell out and see if they are still good with one of the original stores. It might still work you never know.
i didn't know they had an online store, that would be my best option if so!
They can use the cards to purchase over the phone,maybe they will ship to you.
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maybe you can call the sportsmans warehouse in medford oregon and use them there since they did not close down or sold off .
i will update: i happened to call today to see about haveing another store mail me an order and the sales lady said they were taking them today only. i guess they got the news yesturday at noon they could accept them for that day. then this morning they got another notice that they would take them today. sounds like it's a Day-to-day thing weather they will accept them or not. so i busted tail over there today and blew all $550.00 of my gift certificats :thumb :thumb
score one for the good guys. Good for you man.
"killerbee" wrote:i will update: i happened to call today to see about haveing another store mail me an order and the sales lady said they were taking them today only. i guess they got the news yesturday at noon they could accept them for that day. then this morning they got another notice that they would take them today. sounds like it's a Day-to-day thing weather they will accept them or not. so i busted tail over there today and blew all $550.00 of my gift certificats :thumb :thumb

what did you decide to buy???

yah..... tell us what you baught???
well, i kinda got the shaft a little. when i told my wife i had to go spend it that day, she had her list ready ](*,) ](*,) so SHE got a real nice rain jacket from MARMOT for $150 then my 2 1/2 yr old daughter ,who went with me,had her list. so SHE got a new fishing pole, some sponge bob Crocks, some Dora Crocks, some size 2 romeo's and some attachments for her backpack she rides in on my back.. lol then my 3 month old son apperently needed a columbia jacket,and some camo baby clothes.. lol Then finally i got the leftovers so i got a therma-rest prolight 4 sleeping pad, and marmot EOS 1 man backpacking tent, some leupold rings and bases for a 30-06 i have. and a set of camo. After it was all said and done i think i paid $60.00 out of my pocket. i new i should have just went and bought a gun..................... lol lol
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The rumors of sportsmans closing their doors has been going around for quite a while. I live in southern Ut and I have heard numerous times that they were closing the doors on their St. George store. I guess the next time I go and the doors are finally closed it was true, but I heard that for the first time in Nov 08. As for your Gift cards that sucks , you would think that they would have to honor them. Good luck