river hunting gear?
6/18/10 2:08pm
i'm hopeing to get some insights, that i haven't thought of , from some of the guys who have done float trips for hunting.
my cousin drew one of oregons best sheep tags this year. the hunt is going to be done 100% floating the river. it's a 70 mile float. i've done a ton of bivy style hunts for up to 10 days, he's gone a few times with me.
i've been trying to think of gear that i should have, that i normally wouldn't think of, since were going to be on the river alot.
this is basically my dream hunt - that i talked him into applying for [ lucky &%^%] so i'm in charge of making this hunt great!
any ideas? thanks- brian
oh i figured i'd toss in some pics of some sheep i took pictures of in this unit a year or 2 ago :thumb
my cousin drew one of oregons best sheep tags this year. the hunt is going to be done 100% floating the river. it's a 70 mile float. i've done a ton of bivy style hunts for up to 10 days, he's gone a few times with me.
i've been trying to think of gear that i should have, that i normally wouldn't think of, since were going to be on the river alot.
this is basically my dream hunt - that i talked him into applying for [ lucky &%^%] so i'm in charge of making this hunt great!
any ideas? thanks- brian
oh i figured i'd toss in some pics of some sheep i took pictures of in this unit a year or 2 ago :thumb
any ideas? thanks- brian
First of all, congrats to your cousin. :thumb Is this the same hunt featured on Eastmans Hunting TV? I think it was last season and a two-part episode. I know for a fee they will burn a copy of any episode and mail it to you. You could also contact them to pick their brains about thr trip. I'm not sure but I think it might have been Nate Simmons who filmed it. I might have it on my DVR, I'll should probably double check because I may be wrong. Just thought you could get some first hand knowledge that way.
I hope you have a great hunt and you gather allot of info for when you draw that tag!
i have it saved on my dvr, because it's always been my dream hunt, AND i have it on there DVD.
i look at it as basically- the hunt, i'm not worried about to much. i will tackle that and make sure we sucseed{sp??} but i'm not a super experianced river runner. so i'm a little worried about not taking something that is important for the float part of the trip combined for hunting. i hope that makes sence?
i've thought about making sure to have alot of the gear in dry bags. but again - i'm thinking i could overlook something in this part of are trip.
i'm on cloud 9 about this hunt! my cousin keeps apologizing, saying "you should have been the one to draw this tag" but it's great. i'm still looking at it as if it was my tag, and it's going to be a hunt of a lifetime! this is probably the single best tag a person can have in are state. and we will work are @&& off putting a great hunt together!
Bring an extra camera couple extra batteries memory cards. :thumb
I would just assume you that you are planning on using one of the inflatable river rafts. I'd also assume you will be renting one instead of buying one just for this trip. I woul suggest a Maravia or a NRS raft. They are both made very well. Once you decide on a raft make sure it had a frame and floor. Take measurements of the frame and be sure to have coolers that will fit. You can store all your gear in coolers if need be but here are some suggestions for that. Once you have the measurements of the frame I would suggest building a Mess box. This is just a box that will fit in the frame where you can keep all of the items that do not need to be stored dry or cool. This will save you money. I second the idea of the self inflatable life jackets but if you are renting a raft it should come with some already so it really just depends on if you want to spend the money. I will get a hold of my dad and ask him some tips as well.
Oh ya one more thing. Make sure to have river bags for your sleeping systems and clothes. They are life savers for sure! In fact let me try and get ahold of my Dad. I have a Complete set in storage at home. I could have my dad send them to you to use if needed.
You can email me with more specific questions if you want at
Good luck killer sounds like a blast.