Rivers West camo

Do anyone have any of the Rivers west camo clothing? Just wondering what you think of them if you do?
I have used rivers west for 6 years. I own 2 sets. The newest version I picked up last year is by far the best I have ever owned! Both the pants and jacket have zippers for extra ventilation. I had to send the pants back for some warranty work on a zipper. I experienced great customer service and a quick turnaround.

I would recommend this product to all my friends, family and associates! 10sign:
I notice that they have different weights (light, medium, and heavy) Im not so sure I want the heavy I think the medium might be a little more versitle for multiple seasons but I am not sure. Which one do you have buckmaster?
Both of mine are Med. Weight and at times I wish I had the light weight for the Aug/Sept hunts. I would think the heavier ones would be more of extreme cold, later in the season hunts. Alaska / Canada type of tempters!
They have a outlet store were they sell 2nts and extras from show/displays that don't sale. Here is my last email for such sales.