
So i am curious ,(this is just a thought)maybe this all seems dumb and a waste of time but was just juggling things in my head.i can never decide what hunting organization to actually support...so my question is- why does there need to be this many little foundations ,like sfw, rmef, and mdf,turkey foundations and all the others out there. wouldnt it make sportsmens voices a little stronger if all the organizations merged in to one ultimate hunting foundation, instead of having dozens of little ones?
For instance, NRA doesnt just branch out for one type of gun like say hand guns or rifles or assualt rifles only, they support our right to have firearms. if all the hunting organizations could become one and disperse the same fight to the antis for our rights for hunting, and disperse percentages of proceeds to all wildlife such as say 5 percent proceeds to turkey improvents ,10 to mule deer, 10 percent to elk...etc i would think there would ultimatley be more money distrubuted to wildlife with there being one board of directors over an entire hunting foundation than having dozens of organizations happening to pay to every director of every foundation.
i also think there are many people that cant actually decide which group to join like me, out there. which, with just one hunting organization it would make the decision quite a bit easier.
Anyway i think you get the jist of what i am saying...am i crazy or would something of this nature be more beneficial to preserve hunting rights,and improve hunting all together?
Well here is my thoughts to your question and my answers is YES and NO. Sorry for being on the fence on this one...but in a perfect world we would all have harmony and get along...meaning we would have the same vision, purpose, etc. for our views on hunting big etc.

Could more be done if there was just ONE organization? Financially yes, otherwise I doubt it. People like to be involved and the bigger a org. gets, the more work, responsibility, leadership, delegation, etc. it needs to run smooth. If the LEADER or leaders are rock solid and good people with good ethics etc. it will work. If not, failure is inevitable...not a matter of if...but when IMO.

NRA is definitely the biggest BY FAR of those mentioned and therefore they have TONS more money than anyone else. They are still very important in a lot of ways, just wish they would spend less money on junk mail. :)

I have supported MDF, SFW, and NRA. I like the smaller guys, because it gives more LOCAL help. You ever seen the NRA do a local guzzle project in your area? NOT ME. :)

I personally support SFW more than anyone right now, I think they have a strong leader and don't agree with all the bashing from a select few. THEY GET STUFF DONE and put there money on the ground. Do I agree with everything they do? No, but that's not the point. YOU CAN'T please everyone...no need to try...any organization will ALWAYS have there nay-sayers no matter how true or good the company is. In fact the better the ORG the more back lash they might take.

Not sure if this makes sense or not either, just rambling.
The Ox
mm thanks , i like some of the stuff you wrote. some very good points. seems would almost make the hunting organization into more of a big corporation (like wal-mart), that may not care about the little guys. like you said nra doesnt do many local things to help. the way you put things seems like they would worry more about things as a whole instead of worry about each individual area.(some places may get more neglected while others are flourishing)
good points thanks!
how about the mmf??? Muley Madness Foundation?!? just a thought!
The Ox
haha i like the sound of that!
I'll sign up for the Muley Madness Foundation(MMF) on one condition. The conservation permits that get allocated to the MMF must have a requirement that only active posters are able to draw them in the annual MMF hunt expo. :thumb
I think we are starting to make the best foundation yet! Maybe all active posters are the board members... and i know im just a fawn right now but im working on it!!! ill be like board secretary or something!
"amp713" wrote:I think we are starting to make the best foundation yet! Maybe all active posters are the board members... and i know im just a fawn right now but im working on it!!! ill be like board secretary or something!
10 posts or 10000 not matter as long as the poster sticks around and shares once in a while.
'll sign up for the Muley Madness Foundation(MMF) on one condition. The conservation permits that get allocated to the MMF must have a requirement that only active posters are able to draw them in the annual MMF hunt expo.
Sounds good to me, I think we have a President. :)
"MuleyMadness" wrote:
'll sign up for the Muley Madness Foundation(MMF) on one condition. The conservation permits that get allocated to the MMF must have a requirement that only active posters are able to draw them in the annual MMF hunt expo.
Sounds good to me, I think we have a President. :)

I hope your voulenteering or saying notenuftags should be president! But if this ever came to be i promise i would be there supporting it and helping everyway possible... A foundation to support our mule deer and elk in utah and the states around it!
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I have often thought the same thing. But the sad truth is that it would become a big corporation and without parity between different groups a lot of issues would probably slip through the cracks. In the past I've supported the NAHC, and NRA. Currently I'm with DU because that organization is the only one that has actually done anything tangible in my area, that I've seen. Lots of wetlands restoration, reparian zone enhancement, and believe it or not DU has done quite a bit for salmon spawning.

OTH if someone gets the MMF :thumb started I'll whole heartedly support and would even help manage the thing if ya wanted me to.
I think this is a great idea,I would like to help with this project if anyone is serious about this. I have looked into starting a non-profit as a local thing for a different cause but nationally speaking we would need a good form of advertising other than online, like magazines or even better, hunting regulations. I am a business owner myself so I know how to make it happen if you are really interested. With such a web of people on this site that are spread throughout the country it would be cheap and easy to get our name recognized by local wildlife managment officials as a great foundation. Anyone truely interested PM me and will get the ball rolling on the MMF a foundation by real hunters for real hunters 10sign:
How do we get tags? That is the real question. :) No way in heck that Utah DWR would give away more tags to another organization IMO. Unless we got BIG enough or huge.

But this shouldn't be a Utah based thing, but a Western based Mule Deer Foundation or Mule Deer anywhere foundation. We already have the Mule Deer Foundation, do we really need another one?

If so what are/would be the differences to make us unique and separate us or improve upon what we already have?

I was referring to someone else being PRES. (not me). I'd be founder and let you guys do the work, I'm to busy running MuleyMadness Magazine. :) lol