Road kill
9/26/03 10:02am
recently read an article where a person got a permit to harvest-
he was stating there was enough to keep him in meat year round-
may have been in New Jersey
I thought it was a good idea -not just leave them to rot on the side of the road
he was stating there was enough to keep him in meat year round-
may have been in New Jersey
I thought it was a good idea -not just leave them to rot on the side of the road
I think it is a great idea, not to let it all go to waste.
A little story on the subject thatI heard at one of the archery shops...
This old guy was driving back home from hunting up near the Grand Canyon area of the state. He was following an 18 wheeler, and just trying to get home before morning when he had to be at work. All of a sudden the truck started swinging, and bouncing. The old man pulled over out of fear that the trucker was going to loose it. Then the truck straightened out, and kept going. That's when the old man saw it, the truck driver had taken out about six or seven Elk out of a herd that was crossing at the curve. He called the Sheriff, and the GFD to come out. When they got there the old man was trying to pull the Elk off of the road with his truck. The Sheriff wrote him a ticket for taking game with out a permit, and made him go to court to fight it. Even though the Elk had tread marks on them, and the old man was driving a little S10 pickup with no front end damage. The judge threw the case out since there was no way an S10 could hit that many Elk,and not have any damage to it. ](*,)