Rockt Mnt national park to to kill 200 elk

What a bunch of BS and waste of tax dollars when hutners should be doing the hunting
I agree
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Why not sell the tags and let youth hunters come in for a hunt of a lifetime.
Political correctness at it's WORST.

](*,) ](*,) ](*,) I'll bet Teddy is spinning in his grave. Gov. sactioned sharpshooters with the resoures we have today in the hunting communtiy.

I can think of a thousand better ways of doing this. I have been reading about this now for three years and guess I always thought someone with a brain would put an end to this idiotic idea. I should have known better. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) :lame
Buck Fever
"southwind" wrote:](*,) ](*,) ](*,) I'll bet Teddy is spinning in his grave. Gov. sactioned sharpshooters with the resoures we have today in the hunting communtiy.

I can think of a thousand better ways of doing this. I have been reading about this now for three years and guess I always thought someone with a brain would put an end to this idiotic idea. I should have known better. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) :lame
I have to second that.
"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:

What a bunch of BS and waste of tax dollars when hutners should be doing the hunting
Oh how easy it would have been, and all the revenue it would have brought in. If they would have controlled Elk and Buffalo populations in Yellowstone park. By selling licenses to hunters. Same thing in RNP.
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i was watchn the fox news and they said that two of them animal rights groups will sue them if they alowed huntn there. its just Bull Spit! they even said they should put wolves in wich would not be a good i dea.
The last part of the article says this...
Hunters sanctioned by the National Park Service will perform the culling, and the meat will be distributed to Indian tribes and nonprofit organizations after it has been tested for chronic-wasting disease.
What the heck is there definition of hunters?

And 200 ELK killed this year maybe, but if they have 3,100 animals and want it down to 1600. That's 1,500 ELK killed not 200. :>/ :>/

Couldn't they move or transplant these to an area that needs or wants them??
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You've got to be kidding me! They are spending that much money to have some government workers cull the herd! I'd pay them to let me do it. What a waste of money.
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That is the stupidist thing I have heard in my life. Who is the moron that proposed this? If that was brought about by your Game & Fish department, the idiot who came up with it should be fired. I hope all of you Colorado residents raise hell with the people doing this. There are many positive alternatives that will work. What about relocation of the elk, or as someone else suggested, allow for a overseen youth hunt. If any of you have an address or e-mail where I can vent, please let me know. :nono:
They got more cows in that park and all over that unit than in a lot of other areas. Just think you kill 200 elk a year and with the only predators are lions and coyotes and some bears 2000+ cows could be bred and calving and say 50% surrive they still will never get it under control.

Take the 6 million and fence off the park and then control your elk.

Or they could just let hunters to what they do best.