Rockt Mnt national park to to kill 200 elk
12/12/07 9:13pm
What a bunch of BS and waste of tax dollars when hutners should be doing the hunting
I can think of a thousand better ways of doing this. I have been reading about this now for three years and guess I always thought someone with a brain would put an end to this idiotic idea. I should have known better. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) :lame
What the heck is there definition of hunters?
And 200 ELK killed this year maybe, but if they have 3,100 animals and want it down to 1600. That's 1,500 ELK killed not 200. :>/ :>/
Couldn't they move or transplant these to an area that needs or wants them??
Take the 6 million and fence off the park and then control your elk.
Or they could just let hunters to what they do best.