Rookie Trail Camera questions.

My dad and I just picked up a Cabelas (Moultrie) 4 mega pixel camera. Just wondering what tips you guys could give a rookie for geting pics.

Also how do you secure them to a tree, meaning do you lock them to the tree, and if so how?

Can't wait to give it a try.

Her are a couple of things that I do.

1. I put my cameras on a spring or some other type of attractant. This way they hang around long enough to get there picture took.

2. I like to point my cameras north as much as I can to keep the sun off of the lens. Don't know if this helps or not but I do it anyway.

3. If you are on public land find some way to secure to the tree because there is a chance of it walking off so lets keep the honest people honest.

Good luck and I hope that you get tons of great pictures. :thumb
"a_bow_nut" wrote:Her are a couple of things that I do.

2. I like to point my cameras north as much as I can to keep the sun off of the lens. Don't know if this helps or not but I do it anyway.

3. If you are on public land find some way to secure to the tree because there is a chance of it walking off so lets keep the honest people honest.

Good luck and I hope that you get tons of great pictures. :thumb
I use a python cable lock on my cameras to lock them to a tree and like a_bow_nut said i try to point my cameras north.
could you post a pic of how you attach the cable lock to your cam. this one we just got does not look like there is any way of putting a lock on it.
DeadI, your right! I was looking at that same camera last year and was wondering the same thing, how do you secure it? For that reason, I did not buy the camera. Let me know what you come up with.
My dad is a welding teacher, and says that he could probably make a metal box that has a hole in it just large enought for the lense, senser, laser, flash, and what ever else needs to be exposed. But small enough that the camera houseing can not be taken out, then attach a chain to it, If we figure something out I take a picture of it and let you guys see.
I bought one about a month ago and I love it. As far as locking it to the tree I used a two end loop cable (bike lock) and a padlock that has a longer than normal U arm. I wrap the cable around the tree then put the U arm of the padlock through the lock hole between the two latches on the camera. Then hook the two loops of the cable onto the U arm and lock it up.
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MULEY no offense but not a very good idea since I HAVE ONE OF THESE myself if they want it that wont stop them all they have to do is break the lock tab its only plastic
DeadI your onto something here is what I am going to do mock box so to speak take a piece of 1/8" plate and drill a couple 1/2" holes in it probably2" from top and bottom center left and right this plate would then be your backplate then take a 3or4" wide piece of 3/16 or something that doesnt bend very easy and measure how long of a piece you will need to be able to cover the depth and add 3/4 of an inch to your measurement so you can bend a 90% tab on the end and still have enough to weld it to the back plate now put one of these on each side and one on the bottom this way you will be able to get the camera in from top and then for the final touch take a couple 1"x1"x1/4" tabs and weld them just down from the top a little picture this if your holding the backplate weld a tab on each side on edge horizontally and then make a locking bracket with a piece of thick 1/4" angle iron and thenjust figure out how to put a little tab on each end to mate with the other top ones and then just drill a hole in them once mated and oversize your hole just a little bit just so your lock shank fits through there hope this helps some
Doeslayer, I'm going to need a picture of that.
Yea didn't follow you all the way there. could you sketch it up, scan it and then post a pic of it.
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and how would you like me to draw that picture I guess all is I can tell you at this point is do a search for trail camera anti-theft systems I actually thought I was very thorough but I guess not ha
"DeadI" wrote:could you post a pic of how you attach the cable lock to your cam. this one we just got does not look like there is any way of putting a lock on it.
Here is picture of one of mine i drilled a hole on each side of the camera put in eye bolts and i run the cable through the holes and around the tree.
good idea with the eyebolts, is that a metal case, i imagine it would be.
"DeadI" wrote:good idea with the eyebolts, is that a metal case, i imagine it would be.
No it's hard plastic.